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Commissioner Gordon asked about the scope, and whether this was a reorganization <br /> or a rewrite and Craig Benedict said that it was more of a reorganization. The use tables and <br /> development standards will not be changed. <br /> Commissioner Gordon suggested that the Board of County Commissioners could <br /> approve this item as long as they are clear as to what is new. When it goes to the advisory <br /> boards, staff should also give it to the Board of County Commissioners for review so that the <br /> Board can make sure it is on track in January/February. She wants the County Commissioners <br /> to get what the advisory boards get for review and approval. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz agreed with Commissioner Gordon's suggestions with the <br /> highlighting of new sections, and he encouraged the staff to highlight where the BOCC needs <br /> to do a lot of additional work such as streamlining how developers go through the permitting <br /> process and with zoning, etc. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> accept and approve the formatting and organizational structure of a draft version of the table <br /> of contents for the proposed Unified Development Ordinance, with an additional stipulation <br /> including Commissioner Gordon's and Commissioner Yuhasz's comments regarding what to <br /> highlight. <br /> Craig Benedict said that there is some sort of evolution to this and staff may not be <br /> able to do all of this. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that the point of the motion is that the staff knows what the <br /> Board is interested in and it may or may not be possible to do all of the advanced work. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Hillsborough — Orange County Strategic Growth Plan — Phase II (Interlocal <br /> Agreement Initiative) <br /> The Board considered the version of the Interlocal Agreement adopted by the Town of <br /> Hillsborough and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she does support this, but she has a question about <br /> the representation from the orange urbanized area outside the town limits. She said she <br /> needed more information on when the Town of Hillsborough would consider increasing their <br /> numbers on their Board of Adjustment and Planning Board. She wants some assurance as to <br /> how the areas outside of Hillsborough will be represented on these board when they need to <br /> be. <br /> Craig Benedict said that the whole concept is that there are corporate limits, there are <br /> extraterritorial jurisdictions, and now urbanizing areas are being created, which will be outside <br /> the ETJ. In the two areas — orange and blue areas (future annexation for Hillsborough) —there <br /> will be jointly approved zoning and land use designations for those areas. As the Town grows <br /> into the ETJ, the ETJ representatives could be either from the ETJ or the urbanizing areas. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked if there would ever be a period when people would be <br /> affected by Hillsborough regulations but have no representation. She said that it seems that <br /> the County should pursue this more forcefully, because there are a lot of areas coming in here <br /> yet there is no representation. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he shares these concerns and has raised these issues <br /> in the work group. He pointed out that in the economic development district, there are already <br /> development standards. He said that the work group talked about having similar <br /> nomenclatures so that things mirrored one another. Orange County has a meeting with <br /> Hillsborough on February 181h, and he suggested asking that this be on the agenda just out of <br /> conversation so that everyone understands each other. He thinks that it is important to move <br /> forward. <br />