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,~ <br />little and only upon the distance from collection routes where full trucks will travel to the <br />disposal location. <br />Staff is prepared to fully respond to any information within the meeting package and answer <br />questions the County Commissioners may have with regards to any input. <br />I will be glad to respond further to any questions raised regarding my recommendations. <br />Whatever decision(s) the County Commissioners might make on this issue, the staff is <br />prepared to move forward toward implementing that direction in a proactive and professional <br />manner. This has been a difficult process for the County and there is no `perfect' solution. <br />Respectfully, <br />Frank W. Clifton, Jr. <br />County Manager <br />Commissioner Nelson thanked the Manager for his thorough analysis. He made <br />reference to the recommendation of 3-5 years with Durham and asked why the County does <br />not just get out of the waste collection business altogether. <br />Frank Clifton said that this is a viable option, but the significance of doing that is that <br />the County has invested heavily in the process of recycling. Once the waste leaves the <br />County entirely, there is no control over the recycling. He said that the responsible thing to do <br />would be for all entities to stay involved. <br />Commissioner Nelson asked Solid Waste Director Gayle Wilson about the typical <br />mileage for trash trucks and Gayle Wilson said that it would be about 36 miles to Durham and <br />21-22 miles to NC 54 from the centroid. <br />Commissioner Pelissier asked how this would affect the debt and Frank Clifton said <br />that there would be no impact on the general fund, but to get the appropriate financing rates, <br />the general fund has to guarantee it. He said that one concern that he has with this process is <br />that it has been discussed over a long period of time and if the County were to build a waste <br />transfer station and a less costly option comes up, it is too late because too much money has <br />been spent. He said that the 3-5 years with Durham would give a clear analysis of the costs of <br />hauling the waste and whether or not there was a better alternative in the long-term. <br />Commissioner Hemminger asked about the recycling program and how it could be <br />sustained. Frank Clifton said that the program would still exist, but they would have to be a <br />little more inventive on how to pursue it. <br />Public Comment: <br />Bonnie Hauser read a prepared statement from Orange County Voice. <br />OCV Statement to the BoCC on the WTS <br />December 7th <br />I'm Bonnie Hauser of Orange County Voice and 1'll be our only speaker tonight. We <br />appreciate the time you've taken over the last year to hear our comments. Here's a <br />recap <br />