Orange County NC Website
,~ <br />• The search for a location to house a SWTS has been lengthy, costly and emotionally <br />charged. We are nowhere with less than desirable choices, each with vocal opposition well <br />versed in the issues and vested by potential impacts of an ultimate decision. <br />• If we were considering two different sites, we would be having similar discussions with <br />different persons just as invested in the outcomes. <br />• Current SWTS options: <br />Highway 54 property - <br />1. The site will work. <br />2. The site (140 acres) allows for the potential future consolidation of nearby rural <br />convenience centers and other associated uses if needed. <br />3. The site is expensive but has a willing seller at a yet to negotiated final cost. <br />4. Transportation costs associated with this location are going to be higher than some <br />other more centralized site. <br />5. The site is located in a more rural section of Orange County at some distance from the <br />base of users producing solid waste flows. <br />6. The waste from a SWTS will be hauled to some yet to be determined landfill at some <br />distance from the location of the proposed location (forever). <br />7. Probable litigation from opponents could delay implementation. <br />Paydarfar property - <br />1. The site is county owned. <br />2. The site will work BUT with limitations with regards to its capacity to operate and leaves <br />no room for expansion. <br />3. The site is close to the existing landfill and the areas where both the Town of Chapel <br />Hill and Orange County houses most of their service fleet operations. <br />4. Subject to agreement of the Towns and County, public utilities could be extended to the <br />site to aid in its viability. <br />5. There are issues with access in that there is a railroad crossing that may require <br />improvements and some consideration may need to be applied to truck traffic routing <br />going northeast from the site to limit existing and future traffic issues. <br />6. There may be, subject to confirmation, deed restrictions which prohibit any use other <br />than residential which would also preclude a public park as a use. <br />7. Probable litigation by opponents could delay final implementation. <br />NOTE: The "best" site from an `operational' perspective was the site initially proposed but later <br />rejected within the current landfill maintenance facility located just north of the current <br />convenience center site on Eubanks Road. With or without a SWTS at that location, existing <br />solid waste infrastructure and associated uses, traffic, other environmental and neighborhood <br />impacts will continue beyond the closure of the landfill. The area has been impacted as it is <br />now constituted for at least the next 30 years or beyond and that is not likely to change. <br />HOWEVER, that site is not under consideration at this time. <br />AS THE NEW COUNTY MANAGER, I could avoid making a specific recommendation claiming <br />the parameters impacting upon the decision were established prior to my arrival and thus <br />without input. HOWEVER, my interests in Orange County are long-term and beyond my <br />employment. I am invested in the County's future. I get paid to offer advice based upon my <br />professional knowledge and experience. Difficult issues are part of the job. <br />