Orange County NC Website
<br />Ag:~t;da Item ~~: Flppointrant tc Youth Services Pdoeds T~SiC i'prCc - <br />Cortuttissinnei° Earr,zs rnovzd, secartded by Con;rtission~~r ir'illhoi~:, to <br />accept. the Chairman of the Youth Services Tas;; Force's recarr;nt~ndatiun tv <br />nartt Jim Spencer, Girec.tai' of ,]anus House, as a mzmber of trte Youttt <br />Services i;ce~is Tas:'; Force. 1,'otz: ayes, 5; nays, U- <br />Agenda.Itc:m 7: Council on Aginq- <br />Commiss inner Eames notifie_I the Eoaru thai: th~_ Counci i on Aging ita~~ <br />e>:pressed an interest in exploring the feasibility (advantages/disadvantages) <br />of b?coming z department or" County government. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved, seconded by Commissioner l~!illnoit, <br />representatives of the Council cn Aging and a reprzsentative of the <br />County staff designated by the County manager continue to explore the <br />feasibility of adding thz Council on Aging as a dzpartment of county <br />governi7ent, looking at advantages and disadvantages- Vote: ayes, :i; r,nas, 0. <br />Agend~.t Item 3: Co:nrnission far h'onten <br />ComTissianer Gustaveson moved, seconded by Commission Willboit, the <br />Board accept the Manager's recommzrtdatian to authorize the County's <br />Council far 4!omen to apply to the State Arts Council far a 5500 grar;;: <br />in order that the County's Counr..i"I for b!omzn might preparz for un <br />exhibit of art tivot-ks by Orange Ceuray ~•iomen. Vote: ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />Agenda Item 9: Com,~tission for 4~!omeit <br />Thc: Oirec•tor o•° the Commission -For bbmen rzcammznded the Orange Cpunky <br />Involvem?nt Council sponsor Orange County's Information and f~pferral Coif=erznce. <br />Commissioner b;iilhoit moved, seconded by Cammiss•ion~r L'arnes, that 'tre <br />Orange County Invalve;,»nt Co~,rncil an~uld sponsor the Irror•rnatian and ";e+t:i•rr.l <br />Canferznce planned by the Cami~l'isSian far 41on2n. Vote: ayes, 5; noes, U, <br />Agenda Item I2: Grant; <br />Cpmmissianer l•lillitait moved, seconded by Commissionet^ Gus•tavesor:, <br />to approve the f?anager's recoatmendation to accept a grant, State Prcjacf. <br />Na. 4;C-305, of .",175,Fi65, to assist in the Cor'15'tY'UCt10n of approxirt:ztzly <br />15,000 lineal feet of 8-inch colle~t.ion setWer, three (3) pump stations; <br />.,. 6,000 i1neal ireE't G~I .. thY'L~ ~-li!C}t farce ma'In ar:d 1"eia'tr'd '~:-~Ur~t?ri~..._~.~ <br />u~. ~. <br />and to grant file E:,vir~~rr:,~ntal t•ia;r.ager;~2nt Ccm~niss-icrr the Assut°ancFs set <br />fortis in Section II of said grant offer; an', to approve •khe ~'a^ag~r's <br />reco;r::nendatior, to accept a gran•L °rajer;. 1Ja. S8!'-767. of j30,737, <br />to ln,tall G,3ii'1 ilriCc:' ie~i. Di ~ dnCi ~-1nC!'I l7dt~-r'• dlStr'lbUt:iDil fll;i.~li~ _' <br />to provide poi.arle :•:a~er se!°~.'ice an:'• fire pratectior, to ti,~ r;or,_h <br /> <br />