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c ~~~:~..." .. <br />. ~~.F <br />and expressing this Board's concern that the 24 hour emergency services be <br />provided, and that the Chairman send a response to letters received from other <br />counties during the budgetary processes. Vote: ayes, 4; noes, 0. <br />Agenda Item 20: Ca ital Facilities Bond Issue <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved, seconded by Commissioner Barnes, to <br />authorize the Chairman to establish an educational steering committee <br />to educate the public about the capital facilities bond issue, bringing <br />together citizen representatives and representatives of various other <br />groups for information and to review items concerning the bond issue. <br />Vote: ayes, 4; noes, 0. '~ <br />Agenda Item 21: Request to Hillsborough e <br />Commissioner Whitted left the room at this time. <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved, seconded by Commissioner 6arnes, to <br />authorize the Chairman to request the Town of Hillsborough enforce the <br />county's subdivision ordinance regulations in the extraterritorial zoning <br />jurisdiction adapted by the Town of Hillsborough. Vote: ayes, 3; noes, 0. <br />Agenda Item 22: Charge to Human Services Adyisar~r Council <br />Relating to Volunteer Agencies <br />Commissioner Barnes moved, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit, to request <br />the Human Services Advisory Council evaluate the need for the services of <br />Co al itian for Battered Women, Rape Crisis Center and Women's Health Counseling <br />Service as outlined below: If they are needed services, determine how they <br />can be provided effectively and most economically without duplicating services <br />already provided and without duplicating administrative effort. Determine <br />whether these services could be provided through established agencies. Examine <br />the value of "volunteerism" and "privacy environment" which these agencies <br />emphasize. Should and could these services be preserved within established <br />structures, i.e., Departments of Health, Social Service and Mental Health? <br />Tf small independent agencies are funded with tax monies, how can they 6e <br />supervised and coordinated within the governmental structure? Vote: ayes, <br />Commissioners Barnes and Willhoit; noes, Commissioner Gustaveson. <br />Commissioner Whitted came back to the meeting at this time. <br />