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3 <br />Complex by providing the first phase of water and sewer infrastructure as noted on the last <br />page of Attachment 1 d. <br />Although this is valuable, necessary and supportive infrastructure for the area, fire suppression <br />and trunk gravity sanitary sewer lines are limited with the existing system. <br />Opportunities <br />After the design is completed for Buckhorn EDD Phase 2, State permitting can be pursued, so a <br />future construction project will be primed for funding. Orange County has been discussing <br />funding for construction options with the City of Mebane since these utilities will be built to their <br />standards, and, after completion, will be maintained by them as part of their overall utility <br />system. These areas are also likely to be annexed by the City of Mebane wherein other <br />services will be municipally provided. Mebane would benefit from the looped water system <br />since it travels through its extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) and city limits in places along <br />Washington Street. <br />In any event, these areas have been intended by economic development land use and <br />favorable tax base and they will remain in Orange County whether annexed by City of Mebane <br />or not. <br />Orange County has investigated American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grants for <br />this type of project. As the BOCC is familiar, stimulus monies are primarily used for <br />construction ready projects where design and permitting is complete. The federal government <br />acknowledges that a significant amount of time can be spent on this preliminary work and their <br />interest was to have more responsive job creation from construction. <br />Authorizing the design work at this time will create funding opportunities in the near future <br />and/or be able to be bid for construction in a period when costs are more favorable and prepare <br />a 400-acre economic development area for eventual certification as a state commerce site. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The estimated costs of the engineering design work is approximately <br />$200,000. Funds will come from a combination of general fund and capital project funds. The <br />Financial Services Department will bring back a revised capital project ordinance at a future <br />meeting. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board: <br />1. Approve the master infrastructure utility concept plan for the Buckhorn Mebane Area. <br />2. Authorize staff to revisit the existing utility service agreement adopted in 2004 with City of <br />Mebane and Attorney's Office and bring back for BOCC review. <br />3. Authorize up to a $200,000 budget ordinance amendment to fund engineering design <br />activity for this project. <br />4. Authorize staff to seek proposals for water and sewer utility civil engineering design work <br />for this project. <br />5. Direct staff to bring back recommendations for final approval by the Board of <br />Commissioners. <br />