Agenda - 01-21-2010 - 6d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-21-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 01-21-2010 - 6d
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Last modified
1/15/2010 2:52:57 PM
Creation date
1/15/2010 2:52:55 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 01-21-2010
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ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OP EDUCATIOI~I INTL+ItOFFICE MEMORANDCIM <br />TO. ANNE DIEDE+NBLIK <br />CIIAIK, OKANGL? COUNTY BOARD OF L;DUCATION <br />FROD4: GF.QRGE MCFARLEY, Jti. <br />CAiEF OPEI2AT~IG OFFICEK <br />SUBJECT: CEN'l1tAI.OItFiCE STAFF SPACL7 STUDY ISSUk?S <br />DATE: NO~~IiRiRIitt 3, 2009 <br />CC: ~~ALELiIB FOUSIIIIG+; PA7'KICK ItIIODIS; FRANK CL IF'tON <br />Currently, 32 Central Office staff members are housed in a nun2bex of different locations within <br />indi<~idual school buildings. In most cases, these staff members are located in school classrooms. <br />A'1`TACIiMENT 1 lists these individuals, their office location, and their major job responsibilities. <br />Several of the directorates have specific facility needs, e.g. limited access, a secure stoxage area for <br />testing materials and confidential files. Ali of the directorates listed in AZTACHNIENT 1 require an <br />area where confidenpal conversations can take place with parents, students, and/or other staff <br />members. <br />The spaces occupied by Central Offtee staff members in the individual schools work well for those <br />staff members within the specific space, but in addition to the limitations listed above, these spaces <br />lack the proximity needed for more collaboration with other district staff metnbexs. The itnpartance <br />of close staff' coordination should not be minimized. With the Central Office staff members located <br />throug~tout the county, txaveGng from otle location to another consumes valuable work lima <br />There was no reasoned plan executed to place Central Office staff members where they are. When <br />the decision vas trade in 2003 to xeno~ntte Hillsborough Elementary School, those Centt~al Office <br />staff members located there were simply moved to any available space in the district \C/e need to <br />develop some type of coherent plan for locating those Central Office stafimembers not currently <br />able to fit into the existing Central Office. A~lorc importantly, at some point aad tithe, we are going <br />to have to dealwith the issue of classroom space being used as Central Office staff spaces, espeaally <br />as student growth continues iii our cletnentary schools. <br />The bottom Iine is that approximately 15,000 square feet of classtoom space could be reclaimed for <br />its intended purpose if au alternative location could be secured. <br />
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