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The two public parking lots as well as the parking deck will also have new identification signs that are coordinated with the wayfinding <br />system. Parking directional signs will be placed on proximity sign poles or on buildings, depending on location. Future directional and <br />identification parking signs will use the same parking symbol. The Wayfinding Plan recommends that Orange County adopt the same <br />parking symbol for County-owned public parking lots. Visitors to government offices and the courthouse as well as tourists and daily <br />shoppers will benefit from well marked parking. <br />There are two types of guide signs in the wayfinding system: destination and directional. Destination signage is located on individual sites <br />to identify a particular building or group of buildings. The Wayfinding Signage Plan recommends destination signage only at buildings and <br />sites that are owned and operated by the Town of Hillsborough. The plan recognizes that site signage should be developed by the entities <br />that operate each destination, though coordination maybe useful in the future. <br />The directional signs include trailblazing and proximity signs and guide visitors and citizens to key destinations. Directional signs are <br />located in the right-of-way along streets and indicate when a turn is necessary. The Wayfinding Plan includes directional signage for 33 <br />destinations. Some of those destinations are owned by Town of Hillsborough but many are not. Directional signage includes locations <br />that are regularly accessed by the public and have been identified as key destinations by the task force. All destinations fall into the <br />following three categories: Town of Hillsborough, Orange County, and non profit/other. Advertizing commercial enterprises on <br />Wayfinding signage is prohibited. The following tables display the breakdown of destinations by ownership: <br />Ownershi # of Destinations Tota133 Percenta a of Total Destinations <br />Town of Hillsborou h 9 27% <br />Oran a Coun 15 46°/o <br />Non Profit Other 9 27% <br />Destinations are indicated on a varying number of signs. Each sign may have between one and three panels. Each panel displays the <br />name of one destination. The total number of panels for trailblazing and proximity signs are 111. The following table shows the <br />breakdown of panels by ownership of destinations. <br />Ownershi # of anels Total 111 Percenta a of Total Panels <br />Town of Hillsborou h 33 30% <br />Oran e Coun ' 44 40% <br />Non Profit Other 34 30% <br />Implemeritati0ri Of the Wayfiridlrig Plan depends on funding. Fabrication and installation of the signs can happen faster if <br />financial resources are combined. The overall impact of a comprehensive signage system will be widespread and the effects will be <br />positive for residents, downtown businesses, government employees, and visitors. <br /> <br />