Agenda - 01-21-2010 - 6c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-21-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 01-21-2010 - 6c
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Last modified
1/15/2010 2:50:34 PM
Creation date
1/15/2010 2:50:33 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 01-21-2010
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2010
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Wayfinding Signage Plan: Executive Summary and Financial Outlook <br />The WayfiriClirig Signage Plari is a signage plan aimed at helping visitors and residents easily locate key <br />destinations through coordinated signage that enhances the environment and complements the character of <br />Hillsborough. The purpose of the plan is to design, implement and maintain a system of destination and directional <br />signage to help identify important attractions in Hillsborough. The coordinated sign system will connect the <br />downtown historic district with the whole of town and will reflect the unique character and heritage of <br />Hillsborough while helping to make Hillsborough more navigable for residents and visitors. <br />The Wayfinding Signage Plan was developed by the Wayfinding Signage Task Force, Town of Hillsborough planning <br />staff and the design consultant, Design Workshop. The task force includes representatives from the following <br />important stakeholders: <br />Alliance for Historic Hillsborough Hillsborough Board of Commissioners <br />Chamber of Commerce Hillsborough Resident <br />Churton Street Corridor Task Force Hillsborough Tourism Board <br />Durham Technical Community College Orange County <br />The Wayfiridlrig Signage DeSigri MariUal provides standards for exterior wayfinding signs and establishes <br />a consistent and controlled sign program within the Town of Hillsborough. Uniform design, color, materials, logo, <br />typography and size relationships will help to visually improve the town. The design objective was to draw on the <br />inspiration of the historic character, the environment and setting, and the architecture of Hillsborough to produce a <br />signage system that is informative, attractive, expandable and compatible with the town's identity to aid in <br />ushering the next chapter in Hillsborough's history. <br />To the left are examples of the design scheme for the trailblazing and proximity signs. <br />The Wayfiridlrig Signage Plari recommends the installation of 68 new signs, including directional signs, <br />destination signs, parking icons, historic district signs, "welcome to" signs and informational pedestrian kiosks. It <br />also recommends that Orange County and the N.C. DOT perform sign audits within Hillsborough's town limits and <br />develop plans to coordinate signs, under their authority, with the wayfinding system. <br />Forty-four directional signs will be installed along high-traffic corridors for enhanced visibility and high impact. Of <br />these, 37 proximity signs will replace 29 existing uncoordinated signs. The new signs will advertize 26 additional <br />destinations. Of the destinations identified 27% are Town of Hillsborough destinations, 46% are Orange County <br />destinations, and 27% are non profit/other destinations. <br />~A <br />Trailblazing Sign <br />Proximity Sign <br />
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