Orange County NC Website
State in and west of the following counties or parts of counties: Rockingham; Guilford? <br />that part of Alamance and Orange lying south of Interstate Highway 85; Chatham; <br />that part of Wake lying south of N.C. Highway 98; Lee; Randolph; Montgomery; Stanley; <br />Union; and that part of Anson lying west of N.C. Highway 742. (emphasis added) <br />(b) In the areas of the State lying east of that described in subsection (a), the Wildlife <br />Resources Commission may not restrict or prohibit the use of dogs in hunting or the <br />training of dogs, in season or out, except during the breeding and raising seasons for <br />game during the period April 15 through June 15. <br />As you can see from the statute, the General Assembly has granted the Wildlife Resource <br />Commission authority to regulate the use of hunting wildlife with dogs with respect to seasons, <br />times, and place of use in the part of Orange County lying south or Interstate Highway 85. The <br />statute also provides that the Wildlife Resource Commission may not restrict or prohibit the use <br />dogs in hunting in season or out for other areas of the state, excepted as provided above. The <br />statute does not provide authority to the Board of Commissioners to enact an ordinance <br />regulating this area. Absent legislative authority the Board does not have the power to create <br />an ordinance regulating or prohibiting hunting deer with dogs in the County <br />If the Board is interested in adopting an Ordinance regulating hunting dogs with deer, I <br />recommend that the Board ask~our local legislative delegation to put forward enabling legislation <br />to allow such an ordinance. A draft of appropriate language for the enabling legislation is <br />attached. <br />