Orange County NC Website
Office of the County <br />Attorney <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />P.O. BOX 8181 <br />200 S. CAMERON STREET <br />HILLSBOROUGH, NC 27278 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Gwen Harvey, Assistant County Manager <br />FROM: Annette M. Moore,. Staff Attorney <br />RE: Hunting Deer with Dogs <br />DATE: January 6, 2010 <br />In an email message dated December, 23, 2009 you asked the following question in regard to <br />hunting deer with dogs in Orange County: <br />"What if anything [does] the BOCC has (sic) the power/authority to do immediately to <br />impact the. issue (as requested by the concerned property owners) and what they may <br />[the Board] wish to do as part of their legislative packet to the local delegation." <br />Under North Carolina law, a County may only undertake those activities for which it has been <br />given specific legislative authority. The Generally Assembly grants the powers to Counties <br />either expressly, necessarily or fairly implied or in incident to a power expressly granted, and <br />where the power is essential ~to the accomplishment of the declared objects and purposes of the <br />corporation... ~ The General Assembly has charged the Wildlife Resources Commission with <br />administering the statutes governing hunting of wildlife.z However, the County may ask the <br />General Assembly for local enabling legislation that has a minor and incidental impact on wildlife <br />resources.3 <br />N.C. Gen. Stat. §113-291.5 Regulation of dogs used in hunting; limitation on authority of Wildlife <br />Resources Commission; control of dogs on game lands;. control of dogs chasing deer; other <br />restrictions provides: <br />(a) Except as provided in G.S. 113-291.4, in the area described below, the Wildlife <br />Resources Commission may regulate the use of dogs taking wildlife with respect to <br />seasons, times, and place of use. The area covered by this subsection is that part of the <br />' Reese v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Bd. of Education, 676 S.E.2d 481, 490 N.C. App. May 2009 quoting Carter v. Stanly <br />County 125 N.C. App. 628, 632, 482 S.E.2d 9, 11 quoting White v. Union County, 93 N.C. App. 148, 377 E.E. 2d 93 (1989). <br />ZN.C. Gen. Stat. §113-133.1(b). <br />3 N.C. Gen. Sta. § 113-133.1(c). <br />