Orange County NC Website
~~.~ ~ <br />Orange County Ordinance Regulating Certain Aspects of Hunting and <br />Fishing <br />Adopted December 2, 1991 <br />Made it uniawfu[ to enter upon the private lands of another to hunt or fish <br />{or} with the intent to hunt or fish without the written permission of the <br />owner or lessee of the land <br />Orange County was authorized by the State Legislature under Chapter 246, 1991 <br />Session Laws to adopt an ordinance regulating the hunting and fishing on private <br />lands. The ordinance was in response to problems that had developed within the <br />county of individuals hunting and fishing on lands of others without the <br />permission of and against the wishes of the owners or lessees of the property. <br />An Orange County Task Force on Hunting was formed to assess the Hunting <br />Ordinance in 1993. The Task Force noted "positive response" and a "conscious <br />effort" by hunt clubs to comply, citing fewer numbers of violations and voluntary <br />participation in a hunter safety courses co-sponsored by the Orange County <br />Recreation & Parks Department and NC Wildlife Resources Commission. <br />In late summer 1995, a Hunting & Fishing Ordinance Committee was formed and <br />held meetings to review and assess the Hunting Ordinance again. This <br />Committee presented a series of ideas for consideration by the BOCC and <br />conducted a public hearing to receive citizen comments regarding proposed <br />changes in October 1995. Although not discussed during the committee <br />meetings, a citizen requested that there be a restriction placed on the use of <br />dogs while hunting deer. A public hearing was held at the BOCC meeting on <br />October 2, 1995 and comments received were referred back to the Committee to <br />review and bring back a recommendation. A search of BOCC agenda and <br />minutes through the County Clerk's Office revealed the matter never came back <br />to the BOCC for action. <br />A new Hunting Committee was convened in the spring 2001 in response to <br />concerns by the public to consider seeking local legislation in order to give law <br />enforcement maximum flexibility to deal with unsafe hunting practices, <br />specifically hunting with firearms under the influence of alcohol. The BOCC held <br />a public hearing on January 16, 2002 to consider amending the Orange County <br />ordinance regulating hunting. The BOCC sought and gained Legislative <br />authorization under Session Law 2001-165 to amend its local ordinance. <br />Amended January 21, 2002 <br />Made it unlawful for any person to hunt with a firearm while that person is <br />under the influence of alcohol or other impairing substance; for any person <br />to hunt with a firearm while that person has any blood concentration as <br />measured by an alco-sensor; for any person to hunt with a firearm or with a <br />crossbow or bow and arrow wi#hin 150 yards of any federal, State, or local <br />19 <br />