Orange County NC Website
13 <br />16}Videotape is acceptable evidence, but you must be prepared to testify in <br />court <br />17}The best immediate plan is to call law enforcement for a response; The <br />most effective enforcement is for the game warden to come out and write <br />a ticket <br />18)If property is properly posted, you must come to court to testify in a <br />trespass allegation <br />19)Landowners would benefit from registering their land with Wildlife <br />authorities so that an officer could arrest a trespasser without checking <br />with the landowner if the trespasser does not have written permission to <br />be on the land in question. A proposed dog hunting ban for property above <br />I-85 would carry more weight if there were documents to substantiating: <br />• Population density and land ownership in the areas in question <br />have increased/changed such that trespassing and public safety <br />issues created by dog hunters have intensified and must be <br />addressed by law. <br />• Signed petition from landowners requesting a review of the law <br />governing dog deer hunting above I-85 in Orange and other <br />counties <br />• Number of documented legal disputes between dog deer hunting <br />groups and landowners <br />• Projection of when this form of hunting will be banned throughout <br />NC and other states where it is still legal <br />NOTE: The Sheriff advises to call 911 for dispatch prompting a "call for <br />service". The Wildlife Resources Commission is limited in personnel; there is <br />currently only one officer per county. Planning has been asked to provide <br />maps depicting population density and contiguous land areas under single <br />ownership of 1200 and 2000 acres. <br />A draft of this summary was circulated among the meeting attendees as <br />well as all those on the a-mail distribution list compiled by County <br />Management for this purpose, Every effort has been made to <br />incorporate the sense and spirit of the meeting short of a verbatim <br />record. See also additional a-mails attached from Steve Graf amplifying <br />several of these ideas and providing further comments he wished <br />shared with the BOCC. An a-mail from Charlie Treis who was unable to <br />attend the meeting is attached too. <br />Persons in Attendance <br />1) 1=orres# Orr, Wildlife Resources <br />2) Robert Sharpe, Wildlife Resources <br />3) Steve Graf <br />4) Richard Lockamy <br />