Orange County NC Website
2 <br />In 2008 and 2009, an 8-week workshop series trained 105 current and potential farmers on <br />small scale sustainable vegetable, fruit, and livestock production. Participants included current <br />and former tobacco farmers and quota holders, as well as African-American, Asian-American, <br />and Native American individuals. Age of participants ranged from 23 to 64. Cattle and row- <br />crop farmers have also participated in the training program. Mentor farmers from Alamance, <br />Caswell, Chatham, Orange, and Wilkes counties represent the statewide agricultural diversity <br />and testify to the support of the program by established farmers. <br />In 2009, a total of 11 enterprises (17 individuals) have completed business plans and rented <br />planting beds at the Breeze Farm to grow produce and specialty crops for commercial <br />purposes. Apprentices included African Americans, as well as two individuals from former <br />tobacco growers and /or quota holder farm families. Crops were marketed through farmers' <br />markets, community supported agriculture (CSA), restaurants, wholesale to Whole Foods, and <br />a farm stand. Many farmers who participated in the program during 2008 and 2009 also own <br />land and are fortunate to be able to begin or grow their operations after participating in the <br />PLANT program. Evaluations of the 2008 and 2009 workshop series and the 2008 apprentice <br />program indicated overwhelming satisfaction. <br />This project was the only grant from North Carolina that was selected by USDA, Agricultural <br />Marketing Service -Specialty Crop Block Grant Program staff for use in a model state plan to <br />further publicize this grant as "new and different". <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is $19,035 match required and fulfilled by $9,035 from existing <br />staff support and $10,000 from the annual BOCC allocation to the Breeze Farm. No new <br />funding allocation is required. Previous and current County funding coupled with the <br />commitment of County staff provided leverage to obtain this competitive grant. Staff resources <br />in Cooperative Extension and Economic Development will continue to be dedicated to guiding <br />activities at the Breeze Farm. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the BOCC approve the contract subject <br />to County Attorney review and authorize the Chair to sign the contract documents. <br />