Agenda - 01-21-2010 - 3b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-21-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 01-21-2010 - 3b
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Last modified
8/16/2012 4:20:29 PM
Creation date
1/15/2010 12:54:26 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 01-21-2010
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2010
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4 <br />ICE reported that as of August 31, 2009, 82,890 fingerprint submissions_ resulted in a <br />database match. As a result of Secure Communities, ICE had issued 16,631 detainers. <br />(This section is excerpted from the Immigration Policy Center's November 2009 Secure <br />Communities report, attached). <br />HRC's methods <br />The HRC did research that included information from the ICE website, national policy <br />analysts, state level reports, and local data from the OC Sheriffs Department. In <br />addition, Sheriff Pendergrass came to the October 2009 HRC meeting and answered <br />questions about local implementation. When the following recommendations were <br />complete, they were sent to the Sheriff for his review. He is amenable to sharing all <br />requested data that is available through his Department. <br />The HRC has made a series of specific recommendations, designed as a "menu of <br />options" for the County Commission. We believe that implementation of the following <br />recommendations will be beneficial to social justice issues in Orange County. <br />I. Transparency and Data Collection <br />In order to avoid creating unnecessary fear in immigrant communities, it is essential to <br />be able to track whether or not the program is in fact prioritizing "dangerous criminal <br />aliens" or whether it is targeting individuals who have been arrested for minor <br />violations. Some of the relevant data is available from the Orange County Sheriffs <br />Department, and some may need to be requested from ICE. The HRC recommends <br />that the County Commission request that the Sheriff provide the information below that <br />he does have and that the Sheriff's office join with the County Commission in a request <br />to ICE to obtain the data that is not available within Orange County. The Human <br />Relations Commission recommends that the following information be provided by the <br />Sheriff to the County Commission and the Office of Human Rights and Human <br />Relations on a quarterly basis. <br />a. Number of detainees who had ICE "hits ". <br />b. Number of detainees who were issued ICE detainer (where ICE notifies local <br />law enforcement not to release the individual except into ICE's custody), <br />and /or were immediately taken into ICE custody. <br />c. What action, if any, was taken in the other cases? <br />
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