Orange County NC Website
November 9 is being suggested to revert back to an earlier version which does not change <br />where people have experienced their taxing authority previously.) <br />This Option 2 version would need to be presented to the NC Legislature for approval in this <br />year's short session. <br />On December 21, 2009, Alamance Commissioners passed a motion to support direction from <br />Alamance staff to proceed towards drafting two resolutions to: <br />(1) recognize the NCGS line in its entirety (see map 1), and <br />(2) layout procedures for deviation from NCGS line. <br />These resolutions are anticipated to be brought to the Alamance County Board of <br />Commissioners in January. A rudimentary petition process (i.e. applications to modify the line) <br />was discussed on December 15, 2009 amongst staffs, but no determinations were made. <br />The attached flow chart illustrates the possible processes and timelines that are involved in the <br />two different tracks. These are conceptual and Orange County staff is awaiting what Alamance <br />staff may offer as to its process and timeline. The County Manager has contacted the <br />Alamance County Manager regarding recent thoughts about the process after the November 9 <br />meeting. <br />The merits, implications, and timelines of different proposals are complex. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Staff time in Planning, GIS, and Tax/Land Records will need to be <br />prioritized. The correlation of 500 parcels along the entire joint boundary and dividing <br />percentage interests cannot be accomplished by existing staffs within the next taxing period, so <br />the County may need to retain aconsultant/contractor to complete this work or defer it. If less <br />than a 100% line change approach is chosen, staff could more ably work on defined segments <br />each year. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the BOCC: <br />1. Continue to finalize an Orange-Alamance Boundary Line adjustment flowchart with <br />Alamance officials; <br />2. Prepare for a discussion with Orange County's legislative delegation in February; <br />3. Advise the Alamance County Commissioners that a preferred approach is to agree on <br />the line in segments where no/little confusion exists (61 %) now and continue to seek <br />concurrence on the areas where more complexity exists; and <br />4. Discuss with Alamance County officials the concept of employing contracted service to <br />make appropriate GIS/Tax map modifications as needed to parcels impacting both <br />County's records as a single project (sharing the costs accordingly). <br />