Orange County NC Website
i~iiutiuinn <br />B. Public Use and Access. Grantor reserves the right to allow public access and use of <br />the Easement Area for the purpose of creating open space with associated recreational activities, <br />including, without limitation, conducting educational tours, scientific study, animaUplant <br />observation, walking, biking, fishing, and any other purposes consistent with these accepted uses <br />and maintaining conservation values. To accomplish the above uses, the Grantor may construct and <br />maintain paved or unpaved greenway trails, two (2) observation/viewing platforms, two (2) <br />Pedestrian Foot bridges, landscaping screening, and a gated entrance, which are provided by this <br />Conservation Easement. All improvements shall be subject to the terms and conditions set forth <br />herein and by the aforementioned Grant Agreement and Fund approved amendments. <br />C. Hiking or Greenway Trails. Grantor reserves the right to construct and maintain <br />paved or unpaved greenway trails on the Easement Area. All trails must be located at a <br />minimum distance of fifteen (15) feet from the top of the bank and tributaries of the West and <br />East Forks of the Eno River, unless such locations are physically impracticable. In the <br />construction of such trails and when required by the terrain, boardwalks, ramps and handrails are <br />permitted herein. If required, all trails and associated improvements may comply with the rules <br />and regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Title III regulations, ADA <br />Standards for Accessible Design, 28 CFR Part 36, revised July 1994 and amendments thereto <br />("ADA") and with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials <br />("AASHTO"). The Grantor may also construct and maintain park benches, litter receptacles, and <br />traiUfeature signs along the greenway trails. All necessary care shall be taken to complete the <br />construction of such features in a manner so as not to cause or allow sedimentation of the East <br />and West Forks of the Eno River either during or after construction. <br />D. ObservationlViewing Platform. Grantor reserves the right to construct, <br />maintain, and repair two (2} observation/viewing platforms constructed of composite building <br />materials on the Easement Area with optional bench seating, handrails, connecting steps and <br />ramp as required by the terrain to be located on the bank of the East and West Forks of the Eno <br />River as allowed and approved by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality, provided such <br />platforms are connected to the greenway trails constructed on the Easement Area. Construction <br />of such platforms must comply with ADA. All necessary care shall be taken to complete the <br />construction of such features in a manner so as not to cause or allow sedimentation of the West <br />and East Forks of the Eno River either during or after construction. <br />E. Early Successional Habitat Areas. The Parties agree and acknowledge that the <br />Grantor reserves the right to establish and maintain existing areas located along the East and <br />West Forks of the Env River in early successional habitat for the purpose of providing habitat <br />diversity for wildlife species and may include the planting of various grasses, forbs, and <br />herbaceous vegetation. <br />F. .Natural Community Restoration. The Parties hereto agree and acknowledge <br />that the Grantor reserves the right to perform all activities necessary to restore the natural plant <br />and animal communities on the Easement Area. All necessary care shall be taken to complete <br />the construction of such features in a manner so as not to cause or allow sedimentation either <br />during or after construction. <br />