2009-076 ERCD - Orange Co and Preservation of the Eno River regarding Utilization of Former Water Supply Well
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2009-076 ERCD - Orange Co and Preservation of the Eno River regarding Utilization of Former Water Supply Well
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Last modified
1/15/2010 12:09:16 PM
Creation date
1/15/2010 12:09:08 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 09-15-2009 - 6a
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I IVnI11V111 <br />D. The Clean Water Management Trust Fund, ("Fund") with an address at 1651 Mail <br />Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1651 is an independent agency of the State and is <br />authorized by NCGS Chapter 113A, Article 18, to finance projects and to acquire land and <br />interests in land, including conservation easements for riparian buffers for the purposes of <br />providing environmental protection for surface waters and urban drinking water supplies. <br />E. Grantor and State have agreed to set aside 67.87 acres of the Property (as <br />described herein below and hereinafter referred to as the "Easement Area"), for the purpose of <br />creating a Conservation Easement to preserve, enhance, restore, and maintain the natural features <br />and resources of the Easement Area, to provide habitat for native plants and animals, to improve <br />and maintain water quality, and to control runoff of sediment (hereinafter the "Conservation <br />Values"). <br />F. The Easement Area is shown on a survey entitled "Conservation Easement Property <br />Survey for the State of North Carolina, Clean Water Management Trust Fund and Eno River <br />Association, Grant #2007-010" by Alois Callemyn, PLS dated January 4, 2008 and recorded in Plat <br />Book i w-4, Page Ic$ of the Orange, County Registry. <br />~~~ <br />G. Grantor and State recognize that the Easement Area is located adjacent to the <br />West Fork and East Forks of the Eno River and the Easement Area has been deemed by the State <br />to qualify as a riparian buffer, addressing the cleanup and prevention of pollution of the State's <br />surface waters, and the establishment of a network of riparian buffers. Moreover, Grantor and <br />State recognize that the Easement Area .has other ,Conservation Values including fish and <br />wildlife conservation, open space, and scenic values. <br />A. Grantor has received or will receive a grant from the Fund, identified as Grant <br />Agreement No. 2007-010 (the "Grant Agreement"), entered into between the Grantor and the <br />Fund and effective as of June 11, 2008, in consideration of which the Grantor has agreed to <br />obtain this Conservation Easement. The terms and conditions of said Grant Agreement are <br />hereby incorporated by reference. It is on file and available for public inspection in the offices of <br />the Grantor, the Fund, and the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural <br />Resources ("NC DENR"). <br />I. The Grantor, State and Fund (collectively referred to herein as the "Parties") <br />hereto intend that the Conservation Values of the Easement Area will be preserved and managed <br />in a manner that will protect the quality of waters of the East and West Forks of the Eno River, <br />and otherwise promote the public purposes authorized by NCGS Chapter 113A, Article 18, and <br />as set forth in the Grant Agreement. The Parties further acknowledge and agree that State will <br />accept this Conservation Easement, that the State will be the ultimate Grantee and holder of this <br />Conservation Easement, and that Grantor has received consideration for granting this <br />Conservation Easement to the State and thus restricting the uses of the Easement Area. <br />J. Grantor and State acknowledge that the Easement Area is currently unimproved <br />except for one abandoned, freestanding barn. The characteristics of the Easement Area, its <br />current use and state of improvement are described in a Baseline Documentation Report (the <br />
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