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i~yui~ii~iiuud <br />the Eno. Along millrace originates northwest of the property near Efland-Cedar Grove Road <br />and runs southeast to this mill site, forming the entire northeastern boundary of the property and <br />the northwest boundary between the property and the adjacent Penny tract, also owned by the <br />Eno River Association. <br />Significance: This section of the upper Eno, north and west of Hillsborough, was identified as a <br />high priority for conservation in the Eno River Riparian Corridor Plan (2000), commissioned by <br />CWMTF. A conservation plan developed by the Upper Neuse Clean Water Initiative (2006) <br />ranked this property as a highly important conservation target for water quality -within the top <br />2% of all properties in the Upper Neuse Basin. This site was also identified as a high priority for <br />protection in Orange County's Lands Legacy Action Plan (2006-08), adopted by the Orange <br />County Board of Commissioners in September 2006, and the eastern property boundary, with <br />4,900 feet of frontage along the East Fork Eno River, was recommended for protection as a <br />"Wildlife Corridor" in the Orange County Comprehensive Plan. Protection of that corridor was <br />recommended in the Inventory of Natural Areas and Wildlife Habitat for Orange County (1988). <br />Natural Area Significance: National. A significant number of rare aquatic species are <br />contained within the waterways surrounding the Confluence property, including the Atlantic <br />pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni) and creeper (Strophitus undulates}, state endangered and state <br />threatened mussel species, as well as the Neuse River waterdog (Necturus lewisi), a fish species <br />that is of state special concern. The property itself is part of the Upper Eno Macrosite that <br />contributes to the quality of the habitat. In addition, on a field visit to inspect the property, the <br />Eno River Association located an element occurrence of the Yellow giant-hyssop (Agastache <br />nepetoides), which is a state listed plant. <br />Significaut Features: <br />• The property has approximately 10,700 feet of river frontage on the East Fork <br />Eno River and the West Fork Eno River <br />• The property contains 76 acres of intact hardwood forest that buffers the East <br />Fork Eno River and the West Fork Eno River <br />• The property buffers nationally significant Eno River Aquatic Habitat Natural <br />Heritage Site, and composes part of the Upper Eno Macrosite <br />• The property includes remains of a former mill on the West Fork Eno River <br />Page 18 of 20 <br />