Orange County NC Website
imimu~insu <br />SUMMARY: BASELINE DOCUMENTATION REPORT <br />for the CONFLUENCE PROPERTY <br />Landowner: Eno River Association, 4404 Guess Road, Durham, NC 27712 <br />Property/Easement Area: One single parcel totaling 110.42 acres <br />Township/County: Cheeks and Cedar Grove/Orange <br />PIN #: 9856-36-2947 <br />Plat: Book 103 Pages 16-17 <br />Deed: Book 4426 Page 510 <br />Current Land Uses: The primary land use of the property is as open space. In addition, several <br />agricultural fields are under production for hay. Limited hunting is allowed on the property. <br />Property Summary: The Confluence property (the former Stollings tract) is one single parcel <br />(110.42 acres) located west of Highland Farm Road in northwest Orange County, NC (Cheeks and <br />Cedar Grove Townships), downstream from Lake Orange and the Hillsborough West Fork <br />Reservoir. There will be two conservation easements on the property. The Clean Water <br />Management Trust Fund (CWMTF) will be granted an easement on the 300-foot-wide river buffer <br />of the properly and Orange County will be granted an easement on the entirety of the property. <br />The topography of the property slopes from the central interior upland areas towards the property <br />boundaries located along the East Fork Eno River and West Fork Eno River. Gentle slopes (0 to 5 <br />%) characterize the wide flood plain along the river frontage. Steeper slopes (15 to 50%) are <br />found above the floodplain, leading to the more moderate slopes of the upland interior. <br />The property is a mix of forestland and agricultural Fields. The forest covers the majority of the <br />floodplain and slopes portion of the property. The overstory consists of sycamore (Platanus <br />occidentalis}, yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua), <br />American beech (Fagus grandifolia), and swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxxt~, with eastern <br />red cedar (Juniperus virginiana), Virginia pine (Pines virginiana), and shortleaf pine (Pines <br />echinata) found further up the slopes. The entire forest buffer was selectively logged in 2004-05. <br />Slash piles and logging roads are present along the eastern edge of the large southern agricultural <br />field. The majority of the upland is currently maintained as agricultural fields for hay production, <br />with many of these fields having been farmed since the property was settled in the 1800s. Two of <br />the fields, one located just south of the property entrance and the other on the northwestern property <br />line along West Fork Eno River, were recently abandoned. <br />Aside from the agricultural fields and logging history of the area, there i~ signif cant evidence of <br />human disturbance throughout the property. Located on the upland ~~st west of Highland Farm <br />Road is an old home site consisting of three buildings with the remains of a large barn situated <br />just south of the homesite. In the northwest corner of the property are another old homesite, a <br />sharecropper's home, as well as the remains of an old mill site located along the West Fork of <br />Page 17 of 20 <br />