Orange County NC Website
;tD -~~~ ~1i1~ ~ <br />y~ <br />ADDENDUM TO THE INTER-LOCAL AGREEMENT <br />FOR TAX COLLECTIONS <br />This is an ADDENDUM to the Inter-local Agreement for Tax Collections entered into on July 3, <br />2006, by Orange County (referred to as "County"), the Town of Carrboro, the Town of Chapel <br />Hill, and the Town of Hillsborough (individually and collectively referred to as "Town" or <br />"Towns"). This ADDENDUM sets forth the terms and conditions for the shared costs between <br />the County and the Towns for the purchase and yearly maintenance costs of a centralized and <br />systemized tax billing and collection software system for the Joint Tax Collection System. The <br />parties to this Addendum, pursuant to the authority contained in Article 20, of Chapter 160A of <br />the North Carolina General Statutes, this the ~~ day of October, 2009, do hereby agree as <br />follows: <br />WHEREAS, on July 3, 2006, the County and the Towns entered into an Inter-local <br />Agreement to provide for centralized and systemized collection of property taxes in Orange <br />County benefiting the units of government contracting both in costs and information services; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to Article VI of the Inter-Local Agreement, the Towns agreed to <br />pay a surcharge to be credited toward the purchase and yearly maintenance of a comprehensive <br />software package to support and maintain the collection of tax revenues due to the Towns; and <br />WHEREAS, the County has identified and secured funding for the first installment of the <br />acquisition and installation of comprehensive billing and collections software that will support <br />and maintain the collection of tax revenues; and <br />WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the County will seek and acquire additional financing <br />during fiscal year 2010-11, with repayment to begin in fiscal year 2011-12; and <br />WHEREAS, the surcharge collected will used for acquisition and installation of the <br />comprehensive tax billing and collection portion of the software acquisition calculated based <br />upon an formula agreed upon by the parties (see attachment A), and a yearly support and <br />maintenance cost which is to be determined by staff from all jurisdictions no later than <br />November 30th of each year and approved by the Manager of each jurisdiction. <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the following mutual promises, <br />covenants, and conditions, The County of Orange, the Towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill and <br />Hillsborough agree as follows: <br />1. The County Responsibility: <br />a. The County will provide the initial funding for the acquisition of the <br />comprehensive tax billing and collection software system and all related <br />requirements; the total cost for the acquisition and installation of the software <br />