Orange County NC Website
i .':. <br />~£a7 <br />The Honorable Edward S. Holmes <br />Page 2 <br />June 14, 1979 <br />Thy figures for the Orange County system that were received on <br />June 12. ].979 represent a 2.9% increase over the first projection that <br />was received on. March 1, 1979. 41e believe the 8.34% increase in funds. and <br />the 7.84% increase in per capita expenditures to be accurate figures. <br />Based on the latest figures from NC DPI, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro <br />system can expect a 3.7% increase in funds and the Orange County system <br />can expect a 8.3% increase in funds. <br />Ed, we must express to you and the other members of our delegation <br />our dissatisfaction with the State funding for our t-vo school systems. <br />The Orange County Commissioners have received requests of local funds <br />from our two systems that will require a significant increase in the tax <br />rate to meet. The continuation budgets reflect a 16.1% increase for the <br />Orange County system and a 14% increase for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro system. <br />We used a very rigid budget process this year and have satisfied ourselves <br />that these increases are necessary just to maintain the current level of <br />services. Any increase short of the request would have serious impacts <br />on current programs. <br />D~. Craig Phillips also responded to our telegram. He indicates <br />that the Legislature increased the NC pPI budget by $300,000,000: The <br />questions then that beg answers are: Where did these funds go? Hoty <br />do the Orange County school systems differ from those systems that <br />received much more funding than the Orange County systems? <br />We appreciate your interest and would greatiy appreciate any assistance <br />in securing needed funds for our school-age youngsters. <br />• In your letter of June 7, you raise the issue ofi funding for she <br />Exceptional Children's Program. The following figures represent the <br />current status for our two school systems: <br />Chapel, Hill-Carrboro currently has 37.12 positions. State and <br />federal funds provide 29.62 positions and, locally, we provide 7.50 <br />positions. The identified needs tali for 61.12 positions, leaving <br />24 positions unfunded. <br />Next year, Orange County will have 27 positions. State and <br />federal funds provide 26 positions and, locally, the provide 1 position. <br />Identified needs would require an additional 6~teacher positions and <br />3 teacher aid positions. <br />f <br />