ORD-2009-016-Planning Zoning Atlas Amendment (Rezoning) 214 Phelps Road -
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2000-2009
ORD-2009-016-Planning Zoning Atlas Amendment (Rezoning) 214 Phelps Road -
Entry Properties
Last modified
5/9/2011 12:41:46 PM
Creation date
1/13/2010 10:29:38 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
Document Relationships
Agenda - 05-19-2009 - 5-2-a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2000's\2009\Agenda - 05-19-2009
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4. They were not supportive of the proposed rezoning. <br />While staff understands their concerns, staff believes the proposed zoning atlas amendment is <br />consistent with the County's efforts to correct longstanding zoning atlas errors and will only <br />allow for the existing commercial operation to be properly zoned. 'Further, as staff testified <br />during the hearing, there were notes from previous staff. members identifying the development of <br />a landscape operation on the subject property prior to the initial zoning of the Cedar Grove <br />Township in 1994. As a result the EC-5 zoning designation was recommended for this property <br />in order for the existing non-residential land use to be considered conforming. <br />PLANNING BQARD REVIEW: The Planning Board reviewed this item at its April 1, 2009 <br />regular meeting. . <br />Planning Board members agreed with staff that the request represented an attempt to correct a <br />mapping error and would properly locate the EC-5 zoning designation aver a portion of the <br />subject property that was actually utilized to support an existing landscape business. <br />The Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the petition as presented by <br />staff (please refer to Attachment Two (2} of the abstract for the Planning Board minutes). <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT. This request has been reviewed bjr various County departments who <br />have determined the approval of the request will not create the need for additional funding for <br />the provision of County services. <br />ADM[NISTRATIt}N RECQMMENDATlON: The Administration recommends the BOCC take <br />the following actions:. <br />1. Receive the Planning Board recommendation, <br />2. If necessary, deliberate further on the proposed- amendment, <br />3. Close the public hearing, and <br />4. Approve the proposed zoning atlas amendment petition finding that: <br />a. The Zoning Atlas Petition is complete in accordance with the provisions of Article <br />Twenty (20) of the Zoning Ordinance, <br />b. Per Section 20.3.2 (c} of the Zoning Ordinance, staff and the property owner have <br />identified the alleged error that would be corrected through the approval of the <br />petition. <br />Specifically, the EC-5 zoning designation would be re-configured to incorporate <br />the commercial operation located on the property. <br />c. Per Section 20.3.2 (e} of the Zoning Ordinance, the approva! of the Zoning Atlas <br />Petition would carry out the intent of the Orange County Comprehensive Plan. <br />Specifically, the approval of the petition would cause the reconfiguration of an EC- <br />5 zoning designation to include an existing non-residentia! land use. By approving <br />the petition, the existing non-residential land use would be properly zoned and, <br />therefore, would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. <br />5. Approve the Statement of Consistency (Attachment Thiā¢ee (3}} and Resolution of <br />Rezoning Approval (Attachment Four (4}}. <br />
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