Orange County NC Website
<br />`.1'iJ~1Q;~ ~`a Qr ~ Si.i:°! S~~t7 K~uK~ del i~ 'r2 i~'G~'.~E'~5i >~~f?~'i '~+ ur;~/~r I~E`c~2,'~'Q r C~-~1 ~~GA u",~i <br />~ ~ ~fC M f' t ! tr` h f f'C ~ t (-r r rn r>< f j fi ~ ~ F fi Y a '~ ~ i Zi to e! R ~ f <br />t!!5u f.f..~!(~: ~U~I ~i r~r t'.J J~~ ~?#, .G i,,i.l., ,~=rC. 5~~.~ L~ U~i~l ~'.SF ~I~,;r.. .u L:1 ..C.f S.~~P, <br />F ft <br />fhqQ ~'~;~fh nffrr (/+:~ryrrp( [~j ~itf/{r ( /~It ~r.r..f }~ '.1 *;!1 f''t//~~ i}~!'t~ ~~~r `` ~r4 T'n" ~/~ 7 t /^~ ' /~•• tp^f' <br />t L , v. 1 IIt3. Lrf .lt. {~i I~l..t~~~ f.l r:t~.t ..,s~.i LtN U .e 1iJ..t. !wf .s/>~LM JI w,~V 1~ U~ 1tL71y .i1.I1F~ <br />J <br />}.~?~~ ~iG'~`~; ur rho n~`.~C~ t~yS'-~~-war Of r~'rG~~S ~v,, vG`I'"~~G i~ fhb svr•i~{ tiri rho r,~r~-,;`-'~ <br />~` f~. j to t7'A /A. ~f1 tnr ~rT + , @ }! t ~ rr7 ~~ ^ ~.: '~~ J r.!i 1',U s_,r~ ~ ~tt+ <br />a~J~r v!U~?~~ r~(ST ~3.~1 _~ ~ ~„',1:, ~~~,~ir ,~J;t,? ~J>f~i„~ l~vSt i~2.~~ ~,~,'!s~ (f Y „~I~.Gf ;~, r,+„~vS <br />~! i , 'Y t ,'iry ~ AArrr~~tl~. t""'~ 11}~^ r ^ ~~e 1~ t . IfP ''f In ~_rif_ s~ nF "~ nir.¢- .~ ~ry R <br />lt~, ~~ ~ G~if .I, .rYl~v "1~V: l f tit~v~ I~t ~ti~~ /~. ~+v ~~ t~iG ~.V l t~l~ ~ ~f•!; >f ~`J~ vi ~'.c-_4J ~J. tV +i <br />i i t'. ff/~ h nr~~121^ '" Ern i } ~, ~ I+i k Pr 4' ~ '1' .1 ^ 1 } i i <br />S.s7+t~ :~w?'C~ ~iti'~~1 ;ti; t !L'St f~~.~~ .C y ~:(t i,~~:l~~ +yir-.~ 4f~~~~3 !~~' ~~~.~~ ~0 ~ S,Uk~ <br />~r! ~ ; ~ +a ~!~t" CS C~ r C+ !~ ~' S 3r'd y ~ , r ~° '~ " r <br />ui~ S,C~° ~.~~n ti ~ e t ~~ AI~ t,v f u( /~~~t~ ~+~. ~~J,Cr tt;h,~~y1~~ ft21~~y{~,~ iri~?6~1 L~Si <br />Tp~ n} ,}, r, ~n9 1 `1 a•GT ry r @~ ~!:.~d t~ ii~r ~r'i~E ~~IJ Y4V~v V` t1-Yry~ I~~il~+I` <br />1~~. ~4t .SF ti f', r! ., 4.IQ IvG 1~~1. ~U JV'~~ s ~ C ~ r ' G t), } ~, i~7. <br />In accordance with the Ordinance, the Board hereby makes the fo_Ilowing findings as to <br />the appropriateness of the Application: <br />1. That the Application is complete in accordance with the submittal requirements <br />detailed within Article Twenty {20) of the Ordinance; specifically Section 20:3.2; <br />2. That per Section 20.3.2 (c) of the Zoning Ordinance, staff and the property owner <br />allege a mapping error making the Zoning Atlas Petition reasonable necessary in <br />promoting the public health,. safety, and general welfare. <br />Specifically, the existing. non-residential zoning designation is not located in <br />accordance with the existing nan-residential operation that was in existence in <br />1994. The approval of the petition will correct for this error and properly reflect <br />the exact location of the non-residential zoning designation on the property. <br />3. That per Section 20.3,2 (e) of the Zoning Ordinance, the approval of the Zoning <br />Atlas Petition would carry out the intent of the Orange County Comprehensive <br />Plan. <br />Specifically, the approval of the petition would property designate an EC-5 zoning <br />designation on a parcel of property where there is an existing non-residential <br />land use in operation. <br />This Ordinance shall become effective upon approval. <br />Adopted by the Orange County Baard. of Commissioners this day of <br />2009. <br />Ayes: <br />