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', ATTACHMENT THREE (3} - Statement of Consistency: <br />I <br />Q <br />STATEMENT OF CONSISTENCY <br />OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />PURSUANT TO NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL STATUTE 1S3A-341. <br />REGARDING A APPLICATION OF A14tENDMENT TO TI-IE ORANGE COUNTYLONING <br />ATLAS FOR <br />CIARI.~ES AND NANCY HELGEVOLD <br />Orange County has received and reviewed a Zoning Atlas Petition., submitted by Charles and Nancy <br />Helgevold, (the "Applicant") to amend the Orange County Zoning Atlas to rezone a portion of their <br />property located at 214 Phelps Raad in the follo~Jing manner: <br />l . Rezone a 46,500 square foot portion of property from Existing Commercial Five (EC-5) to <br />Agricultural Residential {AR}, anal <br />2. Rezone a 46,500 square foot portion of property, currently utilized to support a commercial <br />landscaping operation, from AR to EC-S <br />The parcel is identified more particularly in the application for amendment submitted by the Applicant. <br />The Orange, County Baard of Commissioners _ has _determned that the amendment .requested, if <br />approved, will be consistent with Orange County's adapted Comprehensive Pian and the Baard of <br />Catnmissioners proposed action. an the amendment applied far is reasonable and in the public interest <br />far the following reasons: <br />l } The praposed Amendment wilt allow far the development of a parcel of property within. the <br />County consistent with existing overall policies and development. strategies embodied within <br />the Orange County Comprehensive Plan, specifically: <br />a. The proposed Amendment will eliminate anon-residential zoning designation on a <br />parcel of real. property where there currently is no non-residential land use in <br />operation consistent with the policies and goals of the Orange County Comprehensive <br />Plan, <br />b. The proposed. Amendment will rezone a portion of an existing parcel of real. property <br />to an appropriate non-residential zoning designation consistent with the policies and <br />goals of the Orange County Comprehensive Plan <br />c. The proposed Amendment will allow for the continued. use of the properly •consistent <br />with the. land use category designation identified for the area within the Orange <br />County Comprehensive Plan. <br />Adapted by the Orange County Baard. afCommissioners this day of , 2009. <br />Ayes: <br />Noes: <br />Donna Baker, Clerk to BOCC <br />