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~6 ~ see <br />permanent agenda file for narrative <br />Chair willhoit summara.zed the purpose and gave his reasons for the <br />formulation of a study commission on~merger of Orange County school systems. <br />He identified specific items that the study comamisison should consider and <br />suggested a 10 member commission plus the superintendents and Chairs of the <br />Schaal boards or~their designees. <br />Commissioner Carey agreed with the establishment of a study commis- <br />sion and suggested adding to the charge a study of the tax implications. <br />Commissioner Marshall expressed endorsement of a study commission and <br />suggested adding to the charge consideration of population and geographical <br />equities of the merged school board. <br />~- <br />Norman Haithcock, Chair of the Orange County School Board, <br />indicated that the orange County legislative delegation had.nat expressed any <br />interest in consolidating Orange County Schools. He requested a delay in <br />appointing a study commission until the School Board has an opportunity to meet <br />and discuss the implications. He questioned if the formation of a study <br />commission would cause a delay in the capital improvements plan approved by the <br />Board of Commissioners. He pointed out he felt there was a lot of opposition <br />to consolidation from both ends of the County. <br />Chair Willhoit assured Mr. Haithcock that this initiative would not <br />have any immediate impact on plans that were previously approved. `here is <br />specific information which is needed in order far the Board to be in a better <br />position to respond if the issue does occur in the General Assembly. On the <br />long term there is a need to look at the issue and the~impacts..With I-~0 and <br />an increase in growth there will be a change in the pattern of development. <br />Specific information is needed so the Beard can understand and ressond to such <br />issues and needs. He emphasized this is not a proposal far implerr~ntatian of <br />merger. <br />Brenda Alexander, citizen of Orange County, asked several questions <br />about the~proposal for the study commission. the requested information about <br />the procedure that will be used to select those to serve on this ca~m~issian. <br />Also, she~questioned haw the Schaal supplement tax which is paid by Chapel Hill <br />Carrboro Sc~oals would affect those who live in Northern Orange County. <br />Chair Willhait indicated that the Board of Commissioners would <br />appoint the commission members taking into consideration geographical balance. <br />In answer to the question about the tax rate, he indicated one purpose of the <br />study will be to the monetary advantages and disadvantages taking into <br />consideration the potential savings that will be realized due to sharing pro <br />grans and facilities. <br />Alexander read a statement indicating disagreement with the proposal <br />to form a study c~ission for the merging of the two school syster~s. <br />Co~mU.ssioner Lloyd indicated opposition to the study commission but <br />indicated he may, in the future, upon the recommendation from the two school <br />boards endorse such a commission. . <br />Commissioner Carey agreed that the school boards should be directly <br />involved in any decision to proceed on any information that such a study <br />commission would provide but that the focus must be based on fact. <br />Commissioner Marshall pointed out the study ccm~mission is to get <br />information and facts for discussion. there is no preconceived determination <br />on the merger but a desire for additional information. the school boards will <br />be given an opportunity to respond to the~find~.ngs of the commission, <br />r~ <br />r... <br />