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S ~ I/~ <br />. 1 IAM; <br />agenda. He noted the Board agreed to pay a blanket tap fee for 212 customers; <br />the Town of Hillsborough indicated they would waive their tap fee above 212. <br />Chair Willhoit clarified that the $15,aoa blanket tap fee would allow <br />2l2 to tie onto the sewer; the $2a ~ aoa blanket tap fee would allow 233 to tie <br />''~ ~ On. <br />Attorney .Geoffrey Gledhill c~.arified that anyone signing after <br />. ~~ ~ ~ February ~ will have to pay the County's tap fee of $6aq; those who sign up <br />. ~, ~ after 212 will be subject to pay both the County and Town tap fees. <br />~~ Commissioner Lloyd requested a waiver of the County Tap ,fee. He felt <br />. .~.~ ~...: some people had not been contacted about the sign-up period and the subsequent <br />~. , ~ consequences. <br />Thompson pointed out that the initial sign-up period ends February ~ <br />~~~` '';' ~- unless the Board of Ccmm~%ssaoners extend that date. <br />~~ Chair Willhoit noted that the number of signed contracts had exceeded <br />. 179 the number set by this Board as the minimum necessary to make a decision <br />~. ~~ about proceeding with the project. , <br />Sharlene Pilkey reminded the Board that the Planning Board requested <br />~; ~ the~Baard not to accept the previous three ~3~ engineering reports. <br />~~ ~: ~ Chair, Willhoit.indicoted the three engineering reports will be <br />discussed at a future meeting. <br />~. ~ Barbara Page asked about the project's connection with the survey of <br />~~ ~ ~~ . ~ the law income in the project area« Chair Willhoit indicated the income survey <br />~, was conducted to determine if the project would be eligible for FNMA grant <br />..~ ~ money and that the grant applies to the project and not to any individuals <br />. ability to pay. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by Commissioner <br />~. ~ Carey to proceed with the Efland Sewer Project. <br />NO~.'E: CQMMISSIQNER I,LQYD BFQUES':~`ED ABST~TIQN FROM v~TING WHICH WA5 AG~.EII3 <br />UPaN BY THE BQARI~ Mme. <br />.. ~ ~ ~ V(n:'E; AYES, 3; NQES, a; ABSTENTICN, 1 tCommissioner Lloyd. <br />~. ~ ~ ~~ ~ Commissioner Carey commended Albert Kittrell, Ann Hadley, and the <br />~~ other workers for their diligence and hard work in getting the contracts <br />~. signed. <br />~~ ~ Commissioner Lloyd expressed endorsement of the. project and requested <br />.~ an extension of the February 4 deadline to allow up to 212 people to sign <br />contracts. ~ . <br />Chair Willhoit indicated the deadline was set to allow time for a <br />decision to be made in order to meet the consent order from Environr~ntal <br />Management. A sufficient number signed up to make it~a viable project; no <br />financial incentive to the County exists to extend the time period. <br />Commissioner Lloyd contended that the project wall be mare cost <br />, ~ ~ effective with additional people to repay the loan. <br />-~--~ Chair Wi~.lhait disagreed, indicating that collecting tap fees to <br />~: reduce the enterprise fund loan would be more cost effective than retiring the <br />,, operating expense. , <br />.~, .. Chair Willhoit clarified that contracts which are. in process of being <br />completed will be .included in the original sign-up period. <br />Commissioner Carey stated that while he has no problem with allowing <br />people to sign up to the 2~.2 figure, he felt it unfair to those who have made a <br />~. special effort to meet the deadline. <br />.=~. Commissioner Marshall stressed the importance of meeting deadlines <br />,. that are set and opposed extending the February 4 date. <br />F~ . FNC~~~TNC A[~RE~EFLAN~ SEWER <br />~i~~ <br />