Orange County NC Website
1N WITNESS WHEREOF, County and Contractor have hereunto signed this agreement in <br />duplicate originals, one of which is retained by each party hereto. <br />This the ~~ day of December, 2009. <br />FOR OIj~1NGE COUNTY: <br />t' <br />Valerie Foushee, Chair <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />Ap roved as to technic con t: <br />J oberson, ax Administrator <br />CONTRACTOR: <br />-~ / <br />Roderick Visser, Contractor <br />Visser Project Management Consulting <br />Services <br />Date: /~- ot~~ L <br />This instrument has been pre-audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget <br />and Fiscal Control ct. <br />Date: ~ d <br />Gary Hump ,' ce Director <br />1 <br />Appr ve as t and legal sufficiency: <br />Anne a M. Mo e, Staff Attorney <br />Orange County Attorney's Office <br />Date: ~ Z' a~ <br />6 <br />