Orange County NC Website
3 <br />CLASS CODE: 2712 <br />FLSA: EXEMPT <br />ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />JOB DESCRIPTION <br />CLASS TITLE: DEPUTY FINANCIAL SERVICES DIRECTOR <br />FINANCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT <br />GENERAL STATEMENT OF JOB <br />Under limited supervision, performs professional, administrative, and supervisory work in <br />planning, directing, and participating in the preparation of the County's operating budget. Work <br />involves developing annual operating budget, planning for long-range capital expenditures, and <br />monitoring the budget; assisting in management the managing County's debt; collaborating with <br />County management and departments to determine practicality and sustainability of currently <br />offered programs and exploring possible opportunities to redirect current resources to programs <br />that meet current community needs and desires; assist in development of County fiscal policies <br />that adhere to local principles and beliefs and State and Federal mandates. Assist the Director in <br />representing the County on .fiscal policy, debt management, and other budget and financial <br />matters. Reports to the Financial Services Director. <br />SPECIFIC DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES <br />ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS <br />Supervises department employees which involves such duties as instructing, assigning and <br />reviewing work, maintaining standards, acting on employee problems, selecting new employees, <br />appraising employee performance, recommending promotions, discipline, termination and salary <br />increases. <br />Plans, organizes, and directs the work of the Budget Division staff. <br />Oversees creation and management of annual operating budget to include developing revenue <br />base and property tax rate to support expenditures necessary to support community services <br />offered by the County. <br />Serves in a lead role in funding and staffing recommendations to County Manager, Board of <br />County Commissioners, community partners, and citizens. <br />Monitors State, Federal, and local legislative efforts; provides elected officials and management <br />with impact analysis of proposed and approved legislation on local government and school <br />operations. <br />Prepares, implements, and monitors Board executed budget, grant, and capital project <br />ordinances. Assures expenditures are maintained within legally adopted parameters. <br />Prepares long-range financial forecast of revenues and expenditures for Management and Board <br />consideration in managing future resources. <br />