Orange County NC Website
r: ;:. :. 43~i <br />-.. ,, . <br />Agenda Item 10: Communit Develo ment Water and Sewer Easements <br />Commissioner Barnes moved, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, <br />the Board accept the Manager's recommendation to accept a report from <br />the Community Development Task Force concerning just compensation for <br />eleven water and sewer easements on Old Cornwallis Road and on Old Cedar <br />Grove Road. Vote: ayes, 4; noes, 0. <br />For copy of this report, see page 437 of this book. <br />Agenda Item 13: Statement to North Carolina Board of Tran~ortation <br />The Chairman submitted a draft statement to the North Carolina Board <br />of Transportation for highway improvement to be presented at the Department <br />of Transportation's public hearing in Yanceyville on June 5, 1979. After <br />some corrections, the Board requested to pastpor,e action on this statement <br />until its meeting on June 4, 1979. <br />pr. Mike Simmons, Superintendent of Orange County Schools, extended <br />an invitation to the Board of Commissioners to Beet with the Orange County <br />School Board to discuss the 7% budget and supplE~~ental "B" budget on <br />the evening of June 4th. Chairman Whitted explained the Board of <br />Commissioners would be unable to attend at that =i~~~e and explained <br />the afternoon of June 4th would be an available -eeting time for Corr~nissioners <br />or the Commissioners would set a suitable time ~n she afternoon of June 4th <br />to discuss the Orange County School Board's bud~~ts. <br />Agenda Item 14: Budget Amendment <br />The Board postponed discussion of a proposal dental clinic in the <br />Hillsborough area and proposed budget amendment= .a the June 4th meeting. <br />There being no further business, Commissiv~-~~~ Barnes moved, seconded <br />by Commissioner Gustaveson, the meeting be adjc..^:ad. Vote: ayes, 4; noes, 0. <br />'Richard E. Wh'`-_~, Chairman <br />Mary Lou Bouley, Clerk <br />n <br />