Orange County NC Website
io-a~~o~ <br />~~ <br />ENDORSEMENT & ADOPTION OF THE REALITY CHECK <br />GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR QUALITY GROWTH <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Orange County, North Carolina, plan for the county <br />needs, enact local ordinances, establish new programs and departments, among other duties, <br />and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County, North Carolina, is a county of the Research Triangle Region, the <br />Research Triangle Regional Partnership economic development region, and the Reality Check <br />visioining 15-county region, and <br />WHEREAS, the Research Triangle Region has a projected growth of 1.2 million new residents <br />by 2030 and an increase to over 700,000 new jobs by 2030, and <br />WHEREAS, a collaborative vision for growth and land use for this region, Reality Check, was <br />initiated by a joint partnership between Triangle Tomorrow and Urban Land Institute Triangle, <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Reality Check visioning exercise and results summit established consensus <br />among participants and attendees on the following Guiding Principles for Quality Growth: <br />TRANSIT <br />Improve regional transit, matching land use decisions with transit investments <br />VIBRANT CENTERS <br />Reinvest in city and town centers, promote compact development, density and mixed use, <br />Including a balance of jobs and housing <br />SUSTAINED GREEN SPACE <br />Define appropriate growth & preservation areas to protect open space, agricultural land and <br />resources, especially water supply and quality, and <br />WHEREAS, a Reality Check Action Committee led by Triangle Tomorrow will lead a Quality <br />Growth Initiative whereby each city and county of the 15-county Reality Check region will be <br />asked to adopt and endorse the three Guiding Principles for Quality Growth, and <br />WHEREAS, cities and counties in this region will be encouraged to and supported in using <br />these Guiding Principles to make future decisions about growth in their cities/counties. <br />Now therefore, be it resolved to approve, adopt and endorse the Reality Check Guiding ~ <br />Principles for Quality Growth by the Orange County North Carolina Commission, this <br />day of , 2009. <br />Signatures: <br />~OG <br />~U ~a~y ~ Tv Sc4..~ <br />