Orange County NC Website
2.5. A "System Release" shall include Error corrections and may include functional, <br />processing, and/or cosmetic enhancements. System Releases shall be delivered based upon a <br />mutually agreed schedule. <br />2.6. "Acknowledgement Time" is the elapsed time from County's reporting of an Issue <br />until IIS' acknowledgement of receipt of the reported Issue. <br />2.7. "Resolution Time" is the elapsed time from County's submission of an Issue and <br />delivery of associated information until either (1) IIS delivers the a fix or reasonable workaround <br />for the reported Error, or supplies the requested information for Issues not involving Errors, or (2) <br />in the event such delivery is not reasonably feasible, IIS delivers aplan/schedule for the support. <br />2.8. "Release Acceptability" is a quality measurement for a System Release, defined <br />as the total number of Issues addressed in such System Release without a reported defect within <br />30 days of delivery, divided by the total number of Issues that are purported to be addressed by <br />such System Release. For example, if 90 Issues are closed without defect (10 defects are <br />reported) out of a total of 100 Issues delivered in a Support Release, the Release Acceptability is <br />90/100 = 90%. <br />3. Services. IIS shall provide the support and maintenance services specified in Exhibit A <br />hereto. <br />4. Fees. <br />4.1. The annual support and maintenance fee for the initial term is set out on Exhibit A, <br />which fee shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days of the date on which the Software is put <br />into production use by the County (the "Production Date"). Fees for renewal terms shall be IIS' <br />then current standard annual fee for maintenance of the Software, which fee shall be payable in <br />advance in four equal quarterly payments; provided that in no event shall the maintenance fee <br />increase by a cumulative amount of more than ten percent (10%) per year (unless the Country <br />has acquired additional Software modules or has increased its number of real property parcels <br />into a higher tier, as described in Exhibit A). The first quarterly fee may be invoiced thirty (30) <br />days prior to the expiration of the previous term. <br />4.2. Where on-site support is requested by County, a travel charge may be made by IIS. <br />4.3. County understands that if County terminates this Agreement and then wishes at a <br />later date to resume receiving services under this Agreement, County will be required to pay IIS <br />the entire maintenance fees for the period of discontinuance plus the maintenance fee for the <br />period then commencing. <br />4.4. County shall be responsible for payment of all federal, state, local and other taxes <br />(including, but not limited to, sales, use and property taxes) related to this Agreement, excluding <br />any taxes based upon IIS' income, unless County is tax exempt and provides a tax certificate of <br />exemptions. <br />4.5. IIS acknowledges that a "nonappropriation" may occur when the County is unable <br />to secure or allocate sufficient funds in its operating budget to fulfill its financial obligations under <br />this Agreement. If a nonappropriation occurs during the term of the Agreement, County may <br />terminate the Agreement at the end of the then-current fiscal period ("Termination Date") without <br />incurring any termination liability. County will not be obligated for payments for any fiscal period <br />after the Termination Date. County will give IIS written notice of any termination under this section <br />at least 30 days before the Termination Date. At IIS' written request, County will promptly provide <br />supplemental documentation about the non-appropriation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, County <br />agrees to take all necessary action to budget and secure any funds required to fulfill its <br />contractual obligations for each fiscal year during the term of the Agreement, including the <br />Page 2 <br />