Orange County NC Website
SCHEDULE NO. 1 <br />SERVICES AND FEES <br />This Schedule is made and entered into by and between Intelligent Information Systems, Inc. ("IIS") and <br />Orange County ("County"), and is subject to the terms of the Implementation Services Agreement <br />between the parties dated (the "Services Agreement"). <br />1. SERVICES AND FEES <br />Attachment A to this Schedule, incorporated herein by reference, contains an initial Project Plan <br />outlining the overall tasks, IIS responsibilities, County responsibilities, deliverables, fees, payment terms, <br />and acceptance criteria associated with the implementation of NCPTS. County agrees to pay IIS the fees <br />set forth in Attachment A, which consist o£ <br />PHASE A: Billing & Collections <br />A.1.A. Shared Development Fee $70,000 <br />A.1.B. Project Planning $31,250 <br />A.1.C. Business Process Mapping $16,000 <br />A.1.D. Data Mapping & Cleansing $42,500 <br />A.1.E. Enhancements Requirements $33,863 <br />A.1.F. Interface Requirements $12,800 <br />A.1.G. Travel $2,000 <br />A.2.A. Project Management $37,250 <br />A.2.B. Data Conversion & Reports Reconciliation $127,500 <br />A.2.C. Enhancements Development $79,013 <br />A.2.D. System Installation & Integration $63,200 <br />A.2.E. Training $45,000 <br />A.2.F. Testing $71,000 <br />A.2.G. Travel 3 000 <br />PHASE A TOTAL 6 4 3 5 <br />IIS out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the performance of Services, including but not limited to travel, <br />lodging, meals, postage, freight, printing and long distance phone expenses, are included in the Services <br />fees. <br />Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Attachment A, County will withhold $35,000 of the $70,000 <br />Shared Development Fee of Phase A set forth above until the County's acceptance of Phase A <br />deliverables pursuant to Section 4 below (excluding the deliverables provided by Farragut Systems <br />(defined below)). <br />Also, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Schedule or in Attachment A, County may <br />withhold fifteen percent (15 %) of each milestone payment. Such withheld amounts will be due and <br />payable along with payment by County of the last milestone payment under this Schedule. <br />Under this Schedule, IIS is assisting the County in the implementation of NCPTS and other third-party <br />-7- <br />