Orange County NC Website
2.4. In the event that IIS develops any custom software, documentation or other materials under this <br />Agreement relating to NCPTS ("Work Product"), then County acknowledges and agrees that <br />ownership of the Work Product shall be pursuant to the terms of the License Agreement, and <br />that such Work Product shall be deemed licensed to County at no additional charge under the <br />terms of the License Agreement. <br />3. Fees and Expenses <br />3.1. County shall pay IIS the fees set forth in the applicable Schedule in accordance with the terms <br />and conditions therein. Unless otherwise set forth in the Schedule, IIS shall invoice County on <br />a milestone basis upon acceptance of deliverables, and payments are due within thirty (30) days <br />of receipt of invoice. In the event that County, in good faith, disputes any invoiced amounts, <br />County shall notify IIS in writing prior to the payment due date identifying in detail the reason <br />why such charges are disputed. County may delay payment on disputed charges (but only <br />disputed charges) pending resolution of the dispute. <br />3.2. To the extent authorized and set forth in the applicable Schedule, County agrees to reimburse <br />IIS for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the performance of Services, including <br />but not limited to travel, lodging, meals, postage, freight, and printing. All travel-related <br />expenses must be approved in advance by County Manager and IIS's President, or their <br />designees, and, subject to budgeted funds, a purchase order may then be issued by the County <br />to cover such charges. <br />3.3. County shall be responsible for any and all applicable taxes, however designated, incurred as a <br />result of or otherwise in connection with this Agreement, including but not limited to state and <br />local privilege, excise, sales, and use taxes and any taxes or amounts in lieu thereof paid or <br />payable by IIS, but excluding taxes based upon the net income of IIS. <br />3.4. The maximum financial exposure to the County for services provided hereunder shall not <br />exceed $634,375, plus any additional payments under Section 2 of Schedule No. 1, subject to <br />annual appropriation and other nonfunding events per Section 5.5 below. <br />4. Confidentiality <br />4.1. "Confidential Information" means any information or data (including without limitation any <br />formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique, or process) that is disclosed <br />by one party (a disclosing party) to the other party (a receiving party) pursuant to this <br />Agreement that is identified in writing as confidential or that would reasonably be recognized <br />as confidential. Confidential Information does not include information that: (a) is or becomes <br />publicly known or available without breach of this Agreement; (b) is received by a receiving <br />party from a third party without breach of any obligation of confidentiality; (c) was previously <br />known by the receiving party as shown by its written records; or (d) was independently <br />developed by the receiving party as shown by its written records. <br />4.2. A receiving party agrees: (a) to hold the disclosing party's Confidential Information in strict <br />confidence; and (b) except as expressly authorized by this Agreement, not to, directly or <br />indirectly, use, disclose, copy, transfer or allow access to the Confidential Information. <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing, a receiving party may disclose Confidential Information of the <br />disclosing party as required by law or court order; in such event, such party shall use its best <br />efforts to inform the other party prior to any such required disclosure. <br />4.3. Upon the termination or expiration of this Agreement, the receiving party will return to the <br />disclosing party all the Confidential Information delivered or disclosed to the receiving party, <br />together with all copies in existence thereof at any time made by the receiving party. The <br />provisions of this Section 4 shall survive any termination of this Agreement. <br />-2- <br />