Orange County NC Website
EXHIBIT A <br />SUPPORT SERVICES AND FEES <br />1. Software. The Software supported under this Agreement is NCPTS Billing & Collections. <br />2. General Performance Duties of IIS. IIS shall: <br />2.1. Use diligent efforts to correct Errors and provide reasonable workarounds in the <br />order of priority as specified by the County. As part of this service, IIS will also correct <br />defects in data that are not caused by user or third-party software error, e.g., those <br />caused by Errors or IIS batch run or data migration errors. <br />2.2. Provide reasonable assistance related to maximizing the use or the performance of <br />the Software, including assisting users with the proper use of the Software and with data <br />issues related to queries and report writing. <br />2.3. Maintain a Customer Response Center ("CRC") Monday through Friday (excluding <br />normal business holidays) from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM Eastern Time for the reporting, <br />execution, and management of Services. <br />2.4. Use reasonable efforts to assist the County and any third party software vendor in <br />implementing and using an interface to the Software based upon published IIS interface <br />specifications. <br />3. Staffing Requirements of IIS. <br />3.1. IIS will provide personnel with adequate skill and training as shall be required to <br />meet its obligations and deliver the Services as described in this Agreement. IIS will <br />remove or replace personnel upon County's request if the personnel fail to deliver <br />Services described in the Agreement to the County's satisfaction. <br />4. Reporting Requirements of IIS. IIS will provide aweb-based Issue entry and service status <br />system ("NITS", including any successor system thereto). This system will support: <br />4.1. Submission of Issues <br />4.2. Tracking of Issue priorities and status (including opened and closed issues) <br />4.3. Access to Issue resolution database <br />5. Meetings Arranged by IIS. IIS will facilitate and provide reports for the following meetings: <br />5.1. Monthly prioritization meetings by telephone to review and prioritize the County's <br />Issues. <br />5.2. Up to four planning meetings at IIS to collectively review and plan how support <br />services are delivered to all support customers for the Software. These meeting will be <br />scheduled on mutually agreeable dates and will include other NC county customers of <br />the Software. <br />5.3. Such additional meetings as are mutually agreed and scheduled and are at no <br />additional charge. <br />Orange Standard Support Agreement 110409.doc Page 7 <br />