Orange County NC Website
$408,260 available to the County under this Agreement. If the cost of work done by the <br />Department exceeds the funding award, the Department will bill the County for the <br />excess costs. <br />^ CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION <br />Reimbursement for construction contract administration will be made as governed by <br />Section 106(c) Title 23 of the U.S. Code that limits federal participation, and <br />Departmental policy that limits reimbursement for construction contract administration to <br />no more than fifteen (15%) percent of the actual construction contract of the Project. <br />^ CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT UNIT PRICES <br />Reimbursement for construction contract work will be made on the basis of contract unit <br />prices in the construction contract and any approved change orders. <br />^ RIGHT OF WAY REIMBURSEMENT <br />If costs of right of way acquisition are an eligible expense, reimbursement will be limited <br />to the value as approved by the Department. Eligible costs for reimbursement of Right of <br />Way Acquisition include: environmental assessment, realty appraisals, surveys, closing <br />costs, and the approved appraised fair market value of the property, at the <br />reimbursement rate as shown in the FUNDING TABLE. <br />^ FORCE ACCOUNT REIMBURSEMENT <br />Invoices for force account work shall show a summary of labor, labor additives, <br />equipment, materials and other qualifying costs in conformance with the standards for <br />allowable costs set forth in Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-87 <br />(www.whitehouse.g_ov/omb/circulars/index.html) "Cost Principles for State, Local, and <br />Indian Tribal Governments." Reimbursement shall be based on actual eligible costs <br />incurred with the exception of equipment owned by the County or its Project partners. <br />Reimbursement rates for equipment owned by the County or its Project partners cannot <br />exceed the Department's rates in effect for the time period in which the work is <br />performed. <br />Agreement ID # 149 16 <br />