Agenda - 12-15-2009 - Information Item 4
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-15-2009
Agenda - 12-15-2009 - Information Item 4
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Last modified
12/11/2009 3:02:16 PM
Creation date
12/11/2009 3:02:15 PM
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Regular Meeting
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Minutes - 20091215
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Page <br />Melissa Allison <br />From: Steve Graf , <br />Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 12:19 PM <br />To: Gwen Harvey <br />Cc: 'Peter J Rourk' <br />Subject: RE: DRAFT Memo & Attachment to BOCC -Dogging Deer <br />Follow Up Flag: Follow up <br />Ftag Status: Red <br />Gwen, <br />Thanks for writing this memo so quickly! I think the memo looks fine. Here are my comments for <br />attachment A: <br />Under Concerns/Challenges: <br />• Item 11 -The problem arises from multiple gunshots. People are ok with a single shot. But in <br />general, dog hunters shoot a minimum of 5 times and sometimes you hear 10 or 15 shots in just <br />a few seconds! <br />• Item 14 - I don't really think this is relevant to the discussion. I think this item should be <br />dropped. <br />• Item 23 - I don't think this is really afact /experience based comment It is too much of an <br />opinion. I think it should be dropped. <br />• Item 31 - I would rewrite this to read "Request to stop Deer dog hunting does not include <br />hunting for rabbits or birds with dogs" <br />• Item 32 -Change the word "County" to the phrase "Southern Half of the County below <br />interstate 85" My understanding of this is that the legislature made a statewide decision back in <br />the 1940's. It was not done at the county level. The county government had nothing to do with <br />the fact that the county was split in half. <br />Under Options/Opportunities: <br />• Item 12 - I don't think this is relevant to the discussion. I think this item should be dropped. <br />I would like to see a couple of my comments about the last memorandum added to this memorandum. <br />If memory serves, there was unanimous support for these comments in the meeting from the land <br />owners when I made them. I think it is important that the commissioners see these points. Maybe <br />another section or attachment should be added called "Comments on Previous Meeting"? <br />• Page 2 Bullet 1 - I disagree with the statement that "dog hunters can't guarantee the dogs <br />won't cross over private land". I believe that based on the fact that deer are creatures of habit <br />and run away from the dogs in the same way every time they are chased, that the dog hunters <br />know full well that the dogs will run over private land that they don't have permission to hunt. If <br />the dog hunters didn't know where the deer would run, then dog hunting wouldn't be effective. <br />This is a very important point. <br />• Page 2 Bullet 2 - I disagree that the Triad Club is to blame for all of the troubles. My <br />experience is that I have had just as much trouble with the Caldwell club and other local dog <br />hunters as with the Triad Club. I would like the record to show this. <br />• Page 2 Bullet 3 - I disagree with the statement that dog hunting fuels the local economy and is <br />family-centric. My family shops at the local stores all year long, not just during rifle season. And <br />my family must stay close to the house when the dog hunters are around which diminishes our <br />quality of life. <br />Thanks again for doing all this work! <br />12/10/2009 <br />
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