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5 <br />Carry Forwards <br />12. On June 30 of each year, there are instances where approved funding for certain Board <br />approved initiatives is not fully expended at the end of the fiscal year, and the <br />unexpended monies revert to the County's fund balance. In order for the County to fulfill <br />financial obligations related to these appropriations, the Board must re-appropriate fund <br />balance in the next fiscal year for these planned expenditures. For FY 2009-10, the <br />General Fund Balance appropriation request is $1,988,442. The remaining fund balance <br />would be approximately $20.7 million or 10.5% of the general fund appropriation. <br />The largest appropriation of $1,030,000 would fulfill the County's contribution towards the <br />Hillsborough Commons capital project. (The project's previous year carry forward of <br />$1.83 million was not expended due to project delays.) Other carry-forward examples <br />include a $145,000 appropriation from the Critical Needs Reserve for general needs <br />assistance (Board Priority 4) agreed upon during June 2009 work sessions and human <br />services grants received in FY 2008-09, but not expended until the current fiscal year. <br />Descriptions of each carryforward request are included in the Carry Forwards List. <br />In order to carry funds forward and authorize their expenditure in fiscal year 2009-10, it is <br />necessary for the Board to approve the attached amendment. (See Attachment 1, <br />Column 9; Attachment 7, Carry Forwards List; and Attachment 8, Observation Well <br />Network Capital Project Ordinance) <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Financial impacts are included in the background information above. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board of County Commissioners <br />approve budget, grant and capital project ordinance amendments for fiscal year 2009-10. <br />