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4 <br />Emergency Services Department <br />9. At its November 17, 2009 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners approved the <br />department's plan to strategically relocate Emergency Medical Services (EMS) stations, <br />including an immediate refurbishment of the Revere Road facility (the former Animal <br />Services Building), at a cost not to exceed $50,000. Funds will come from the $1.2 <br />million surplus 911 funds that the Board approved setting aside in an Emergency <br />Services Reserve Capital Project for equipment, vehicles and capital maintenance. This <br />budget amendment appropriates the $1.2 million currently in the Emergency Telephone <br />System's fund balance to the Emergency Services Reserve Capital Project and allocates <br />$50,000 to the department's capital budget section within in the General Fund to cover <br />refurbishment costs of the Revere Road facility in FY 2009-10. (See Attachment 1, <br />Column 7 and Attachment 5, Emergency Services Reserve Capital Project Ordinance) <br />Technical Amendment- Hillsborough Commons Capital Project <br />10. At its June 2, 2009 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners approved the <br />Hillsborough Commons Capital Project Ordinance. This technical amendment seeks to <br />correct and clarify revenue sources. <br />As approved, the ordinance categorizes a portion of project funding as "Grant Funds" <br />from the State. However, the Department of Social Services received $1,030,000 <br />through non-project reimbursements (i.e. Medicaid) in prior fiscal years and $265,000 <br />from County pay-as-you-go funds; therefore, it is incorrect to categorize them as project <br />grant reimbursements. They should be categorized as "Transfers from the General <br />Fund." <br />In addition, the county is eligible for state reimbursements totaling $470,000, related to <br />tax and the owner's contribution. Currently, this is included within the "Owner's <br />Reimbursement" category, but should be moved to "Grant Funds" for clarity. This <br />technical amendment corrects the categorization of funds. (See Attachment 6, Human <br />Services Offices & Clinics at Hillsborough Commons Capital Project Ordinance) <br />Revenue Department <br />11. At its October 20, 2009 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners approved aone- <br />year trial contract with EMS Management & Consultants, Inc., beginning January 1, <br />2010, for the initial billing and claims processing for EMS Ambulance Service transports. <br />With the outsourcing of this operation, and thus freeing up the equivalent of .75 FTE to <br />redirect their work on delinquent collections, the Board also approved amending the <br />fiscal year 2009-10 budget to receive an anticipated additional $75,000 in delinquent <br />collections during this fiscal year. This amendment provides for the budgeting of these <br />anticipated additional revenues. (See Attachment 1, column 8) <br />