Orange County NC Website
5 <br />temporary employee does provide savings of slightly over $5,000. The Board may <br />consider the two days the BQR SWWC operates from the usage table above. <br />2. Close all Solid Waste Convenience Centers on County Holidays. <br />SWCC will open the following County observed holidays through January 2, <br />November 27 (day after Thanksgiving), and December 28 (normal workday following <br />the Christmas day holiday) By closing the remaining 3 holidays through June 30, <br />2010, it is anticipated that $5,700 may be saved. <br />3. Eliminate the acceptance of yard waste at the four remaining centers. <br />Yard waste is accepted at the four largest Convenience Centers. It has never been <br />accepted at the BQR SWCC. A total of 399 tons of yard waste were accepted at the <br />centers during 2008-09 FY. Currently the same tons are projected for this FY. If yard <br />waste acceptance was eliminated effective February 1, 2010, it is projected that 170 <br />tons would not be received for disposal. The average number of loads per week by <br />Centers is: Ferguson Road 2; High Rock ~ .75; Walnut Grove 2.75; Eubanks <br />Road ~ 2.75. The elimination of yard waste acceptance for 5 months, February 1 thru <br />June 30, at the four other centers is projected to save approximately $7,083. This <br />savings includes tip fees and collection costs. <br />Various Approaches Available <br />1. Change to a two-day operation utilizing a FTE with a projected cost of $26,490 or <br />utilize a temporary employee at a projected cost of $21,000 to operate the BQR <br />SWCC for the remaining FY. <br />2. Reallocate the $10,000 earmarked for the BQR SWCC site restoration in this year's <br />budget and apply to any anticipated cost reduction. <br />3. Close all SWCCs on the remaining County Holidays, January 1-June 30, 2010, <br />resulting in an anticipated savings of $ 5,700. <br />4. Eliminate the acceptance of yard waste at the four remaining centers for the <br />remaining part of the FY would result in an anticipated savings of $7,083. (This <br />option affects a larger population of the county and will require a considerable <br />education and outreach campaign for this option to be utilized. Projected starting <br />date February 1, 2010.) <br />5. Use the County's General Fund Balance. <br />