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Scenario II (a). Convert to a two day a week operation at only <br />the BQR SWCC, close on remaining observed holidays and <br />not eliminate yard waste acceptance at four Solid Waste <br />Convenience Centers <br />Funding Strategy: <br />1. Reallocate $10,000 earmarked for BQR SWCC closure $10,000 $10,000 <br />costs <br />2. Close on the remaining holidays $ 5,700 $ 5,700 <br />3. Allocate County General Fund Balance 10 790 $ 5,300 <br />$ 26,490 $ 21,000 <br />Scenario II (b). Convert to a two day a week operation at only <br />the BQR SWCC, do not close on all remaining holidays and <br />eliminate yard waste acceptance at four Solid Waste <br />Convenience Centers <br />Funding Strategy: <br />1. Reallocate $10,000 earmarked for BQR closure costs $10,000 $10,000 <br />2. Eliminate the acceptance of yard waste $ 7,083 $ 7,083 <br />3. Allocate County General Fund Balance 9 407 $ 3.917 <br />$ 26,490 $21,000 <br />Long Term Funding Options Under Consideration for all Orange County <br />Solid Waste Convenience Centers <br />• Reduce hours/days of service at some or all sites <br />• Reduce services at some or all sites <br />• Initiate Solid Waste Fee County wide for selected group or all residents to partially or fully <br />fund Convenience Center operations <br />• Initiate fee for Bulky item disposal <br />• Pay as you throw for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There will be a financial impact for keeping the BQR SWCC open beyond <br />January 2, 2010. Specific impacts will depend upon which operating scenario and funding <br />strategy is determined by the BOCC. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board receive and consider the <br />operating scenarios and funding strategies presented by Solid Waste Management, request any <br />additional information necessary to aid discussion, and provide direction to the Manager <br />regarding funding Bradshaw Quarry Road SWCC operations for the remainder of Fiscal Year <br />2009-2010. Ultimately, a more formalized and sustainable arrangement to the funding of solid <br />waste convenience centers is necessary and appropriate going forward. Alternatives are under <br />active review and will be presented for consideration at a future point in time, possibly within the <br />FY 2010-11 budget process. <br />