Orange County NC Website
31 <br />Interstate Highway 40 connects the County to the cities of Winston-Salem and Asheville to the north <br />and west and the Research Triangle Park and the City of Raleigh to the south and east. Other major <br />highways include U.S. highways 15-501 and 70 and N.C. highways 54, 57 and 86. <br />Inter-city bus service is provided by Carolina Trailways and the Town of Chapel Hill operates a <br />local bus system which serves a substantial portion of the population in the Towns of Chapel Hill <br />and Carrboro. The County operates specialized transport services for human services delivery. One <br />coordinated system, run by the County, serves a variety of human service departments and agencies <br />throughout the County. In addition, Triangle Transit Authority operates a bus system that provides <br />commuter services to County residents. <br />Air transportation is provided by various major, commuter and commercial airlines at the <br />Raleigh-Durham International Airport ("R,DU"), approximately 10 miles from the County. Commer- <br />cial air service is provided by Air Canada, Air Trans American Airlines, Continental, Del- <br />ta/Northwest, Jet Blue, Southwest, United, and US Airways. In addition, 6 carriers provide <br />commuter service. The total economic impact of RDU to the Triangle economy is more than $2 billion <br />per year according to North Carolina Department of Transportation figures. In 2008, RDU had 187 <br />daily departures and served approximately 9.7 million passengers. <br />In addition to the services provided by Raleigh-Durham International Airport, the University of <br />North Carolina at Chapel Hill operates a general aviation airfield located in the Town of Chapel <br />Hill. <br />Railway freight service is provided by Norfolk Southern Railway. Railway passenger service is <br />provided by Amtrak through its terminals located in the cities of Durham and Raleigh. <br />HUMAN SERVICES <br />Social Services Programs -Social Services programs are provided for by a combination of fed- <br />eral, state and local funds. Among the programs provided are: Work First, Temporary Aid to Needy <br />Families Child Protective Services, Daycare, Foster Care, Energy Assistance, Medicaid, Child Sup- <br />port Enforcement and programs for the elderly. <br />Health Programs-The County provides environmental, sanitation, family planning, dental and <br />nursing services throughout the County. Clinics are offered in the towns of Hillsborough and Chapel <br />Hill and in the public schools. The County has access to the services of the schools of medicine, den- <br />tistry, nursing and public health at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University <br />Hospitals, as well as Duke University Medical Center and a U.S. Veterans Administration Hospital <br />within five miles of the County. No County investment in hospital or major medical facilities is an- <br />ticipated. <br />Mental Health Programs-The County currently contributes annually to a tri-county Mental <br />Health Agency that provides extensive services within the County. A sheltered workshop and clinics <br />in the towns of Chapel Hill and Hillsborough are provided. Services to the public schools are also <br />provided. Under a new State proposal to reform mental health statewide, a local management entity <br />has been created that will serve to transition the current method of service provision. <br />Other Human Services-In addition to social service, health and mental health programs, the <br />County provides agricultural services, housing and community development services, library servic- <br />es and support to various private non-profit agencies located within the County. <br />12 <br />