Orange County NC Website
26 <br />cause of its close proximity to the County and the fact that many of the Parks' employees reside in <br />the County, the impact of the Park on the County's economy is significant. <br />An industrial strip along Interstate highway 85 in the western portion of the County is the lo- <br />cation of several manufacturing firms. This area is the projected location for future growth of indus- <br />trial and commercial concerns. In addition to this area, the County designated over 2,450 acres in <br />three strategically placed areas along Interstates 85 and 40 as Economic Development Districts. The <br />County's location, midway between the Piedmont Triad and Research Triangle metropolitan areas, <br />makes these sites extremely attractive. The districts offer development potential for light industrial, <br />warehouselflex space, office, retail and business service. Numerous tracts, ranging in size from 20 to <br />100 acres or more, are available. <br />Utility extension development is another economic development initiative undertaken by the <br />County. This project encourages economic development in the County by providing funds to finance <br />utility extension development for commercial entities. Using the monies in this fund, the County <br />provides a portion of the upfront water/sewer infrastructure costs for businesses. As the various <br />projects are completed, some portion of the resultant increased property tax revenue is used to repay <br />the fund. These funds then "revolve" to address water/sewer needs of other commercial development <br />projects. <br />