Orange County NC Website
3 <br />• adjustment of the Town's Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (abandonment of some existing <br />ETJ by the Town and the County granting new ETJ), and <br />• amendments to the County's Zoning Ordinance and Atlas, as well as Subdivision <br />Regulations. <br />Article 2 of the Agreement indicates the proposed process for these amendments, which are to <br />be completed in a "timely manner." These future amendments to the Land Use Element (map <br />and text), Zoning Ordinance, Zoning Atlas, and Subdivision Regulations will follow the normal <br />processes for adopting changes to the respective document (i.e., advertising, notification, and <br />joint public hearing). <br />Similarities to Chanel Hill / Carrboro /Orange County Joint Planning Agreement <br />This agreement has many similarities to the existing Joint Planning Agreement but pertains to a <br />different area of the County. The concepts are similar -specifically, focused growth areas <br />matched with planned public services and an anti-sprawl zone, with both local governments <br />coordinating land use planning. Orange County and its municipalities continue to be the <br />leaders in subregional planning agreements. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is adequate existing Planning staff to complete the tasks <br />enumerated in the Agreement within the Department work plan. Tasks are expected to occur <br />within the next two fiscal years (2009-10 and 2010-11). There will be future costs for future <br />legal advertisements and notifications when Land Use Plan (map and text), Zoning Ordinance <br />(map and text), and Subdivision Regulations amendments are brought forward. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board: <br />1) Approve the Resolution ratifying the Interlocal Agreement and authorize the Chair to sign <br />the Resolution and the Agreement contained in Attachment 3, and <br />2) Direct staff to move forward with implementation by completing the tasks listed in Article <br />2 of the Agreement. <br />