Agenda - 12-15-2009 - 3b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-15-2009
Agenda - 12-15-2009 - 3b
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/11/2009 12:39:42 PM
Creation date
12/11/2009 12:39:37 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20091215
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2009
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11 <br />MENTAL HEALTH TASK FORCE REPORT <br />Recognizing that Orange County is rich in professional resources (both active and retired), the Task Force <br />is recommending expansion of the Pro Bono Counseling Network. We believe that both recruitment of more <br />volunteers and increased volunteer time commitments are possible and we hope that OPC, the MHAOC, <br />provider agenaes and town/county leaders will actively promote this volunteer opportunity as a way of <br />increasing the capacity of the mental health service system. The possibility has also been suggested that key <br />professional associations (e.g., National Association of Social Workers) might be asked to consider providing <br />continuing education credits for volunteers or adding participation in such a network as a requirement for <br />licensure. <br />Enhanced local law enforcement/safety personnel awareness of and sensitivity to mental health <br />issues <br />1. Extend Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) throughout the ranks of local /aw enforcement and, ultimately, <br />to other safety personne% <br />The CIT program is a partnership of the mental health/developmental disability/substance abuse service <br />system and consumer, advocacy and law enforcement agencies. Twice yearly, the program provides 40 hours <br />of specialized training by OPC staff to sworn law enforcement officers. Program benefits include: <br />^ Decreased incidents of incarceration of persons with mental illness for misdemeanor charges. <br />^ Connections of persons in mental health crisis to appropriate mental health services rather than <br />the criminal justice system. <br />^ Decreased consumer and officer injury rates. <br />^ Decreased use of force occurrences. <br />^ Creation of an earlier opportunity to engage consumers in mental health services. <br />A CIT-certified law enforcement instructor must attend each of the 40-hour training sessions and teach <br />certain modules, and personnel from the law enforcement agency must participate on the CIT <br />Implementation Committee on an ongoing basis to assist with development of policies and procedures. The <br />Chapel Hill Police Department has been very involved with OPC in planning crisis intervention training. <br />The Mental Health Task Force recommends that, over time, C1T be extended throughout the ranks of all <br />law enforcement agencies in Orange County. We urge County and Town leaders (e.g., Mayors, Managers, <br />Commissioners, etc.) to 1) learn more about the benefits of CIT for the community and 2) exercise leadership <br />
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