2009-027 Purchasing - Relational Technology Solutions Proposal and SOW for Orange Co-
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2009-027 Purchasing - Relational Technology Solutions Proposal and SOW for Orange Co-
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Last modified
8/10/2012 12:38:37 PM
Creation date
12/10/2009 3:10:55 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Agenda - 06-02-2009 - 4cc
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"Your IP Communications - Convergence Partner" <br />Relational <br />Technology Solutions <br />• Connections in Intermediate Distribution Fields (e.g., wire closets with vertical riser cable or horizontal tie <br />cable, or campus inter - building "black" cable or fiber optic cable) unless otherwise identified in this <br />document. <br />2.2.7 INADS Lines <br />Assure that a 7x24 dedicated loop -start Central Office (CO) remote- access line Is Installed and operational no <br />later than the date on which RTS begins work, to the server's Initialization and Administration System <br />(INADS). An additional line is required for each additional system (I.e. Voice Mail, Call Management System, <br />Basic Call Management System PC, Multi - Application Platform for Communication Manager, etc.). If the <br />Customer has Direct Inward Dial (DID) service, these additional lines may be DID stations. <br />3 Change Control Procedure <br />A mutually agreed upon "Freeze Date" between the Customer and RTS will be established. The "Freeze <br />Date establishes a stopping point for normal customer change activity. After the "Freeze Date," any required <br />customer changes will need to be routed through the C -SPOC, and will need to obtain authorization from the <br />RTS -SPOC before execution. <br />RTS will respond promptly to Customer's change requests. Change requests to the project will be accepted <br />by RTS only if the work can be completed by the In- Service Date. if there are change requests that cannot be <br />processed by the In- Service date, or changes that are outside the odg €nal Scope of Work as defined in this <br />document, then these changes will be processed as stand alone transactions or as part of a future project, <br />and will be billable to the customer. Changes will be valid only where agreed in writing and signed by both <br />parties. Changes may result in additional charges. <br />4 Standard Service Hours <br />Unless otherwise specified in this Scope of Work, pricing is based on the assumption that Services will be <br />performed between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM local site time, Monday - Friday, excluding RTS - designated holidays <br />( "Standard Service Hours'. Work performed outside Standard Service Hours may be subject to overtime <br />charges at the following rates: <br />Straight Time 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. <br />Time and 112 5:00 PM to 8:00 AM, Monday through Friday, and all day Saturday. <br />Double Time All day Sunday, Monday 12:01 AM to 8:00 AM, and Designated Holidays. <br />All interruptions of existing service have been figured as "after hours ". All other tasks will be performed during <br />standard business hours. <br />These provisions also apply for any Time and Material work required that Is outside of this Scope of Work, or <br />Time and Material work that falls under the category of Change Control. <br />-6 -. <br />This document Is proprietary and confidential to Relational Technology Solutions. <br />Unauthorized distribution Is prohibited. <br />
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