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Commissioner Pelissier asked if there were any projections about the future station in <br /> Cedar Grove. Frank Montes de Oca said that there is no staffing for one in this area at this <br /> time, but he wants to keep it on the radar. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz to: <br /> 1. Approve the ongoing plan as proposed by Emergency Services to strategically locate <br /> EMS stations as call loads determine the need and resources provide; and <br /> 2. Authorize Emergency Services and Asset Management and Purchasing Services to <br /> proceed with the immediate plan to refurbish the Revere Road site for an EMS station; <br /> and <br /> 3. Authorize Asset Management and Purchasing Services to provide to the BOCC a plan <br /> to divest 1914 New Hope Church Road following refurbishment of 304 Revere Road <br /> and re-location by EMS; and <br /> 4. Authorize the continuation of the project contingent upon necessary permits and <br /> approvals from the Town of Hillsborough; and <br /> 5. Approve funds up to $50,000 from the Emergency Services Reserve Capital Project. <br /> The Financial Services Department will bring forward a budget amendment, as well as <br /> a Capital Project Ordinance, for acceptance at an upcoming Board of Commissioners' <br /> meeting. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Expansion of Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Area Boundary <br /> The Board received a presentation from Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan <br /> Planning Organization staff and considered directing staff on preparing a response. <br /> Transportation Planner Karen Lincoln presented this item. <br /> BACKGROUND: The TAC (Transportation Advisory Committee) of the DCHC MPO, at its <br /> November 17, 2009 meeting, directed Lead Planning Agency (LPA) staff to initiate the process <br /> to expand the Metropolitan Area Boundary (MAB) in western Orange County along the 1-40/I- <br /> 85 corridor, and to get feedback from Orange County. Attachment 1 is a letter from the TAC <br /> requesting Orange County's response to the proposed expansion of the MAB. Attachment 2 Is <br /> a map showing the proposed MAB expansion. <br /> The DCHC MPO is investigating expansion at this time because the MPO is beginning the <br /> process of developing the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) that will list the <br /> highway, transit, fixed-guideway, bicycle and other transportation services and facilities that <br /> are planned for construction through year 2040. Federal legislation requires that an MPO's <br /> metropolitan area boundary contain, at a minimum, the entire Urbanized Area (UZA), as <br /> defined by the U.S. Census, and should contain the area beyond the UZA that is expected to <br /> be urbanized within the next twenty years or that is affected by urban policies and influence. <br /> Attachments 5 and 6 prepared by the LPA in 2006 are respectively a Background and History <br /> of DCHC MPO Membership and MAB and Frequently Asked Questions. <br />