Orange County NC Website
On page 49, the Cedar Grove United Methodist Church should be specific and <br /> "Granges" should be capitalized. <br /> On page 51, item 6-e, "Require buffers between residences and farm fields and <br /> buildings as part of new residential subdivisions," he said that this should be done already. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 52, and the tax relief incentives, and he <br /> suggested that an item `e' be added: "Support a revision to the revenue and acreage <br /> requirements of the use Value Program. Many operations can easily meet the revenue <br /> requirements but do not meet the minimum ten acres threshold for agricultural operations." He <br /> said that there are more and more small acreages that are generating revenue, but are <br /> penalized in North Carolina and not considered eligible for Use Value. It has been in the <br /> legislative goals for years, and this would be an appropriate place to add this intent. <br /> On page 54, he would like to mention the requirement of some County functions to use <br /> locally grown produce, etc. <br /> On page 56, item `i', he does not know what this is referring to. Dave Stancil said that <br /> there have been some discussions about impacts of farm animals getting loose and <br /> interactions with Animal Services. There has been some interest in having further discussions <br /> about this and having some policies. <br /> On page 57 and page 58, item 2-a on both pages, he said that again, the County <br /> cannot expand existing programs in the schools. <br /> On page 60, it refers to Enhanced Voluntary Agricultural Districts, and he has not seen <br /> a definition of this. <br /> On page 61, it should say, "encourage new farmers," instead of "produce new farmers." <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that there was discussion with El Centro Latino about <br /> involving members of the Latino community and he would like to mention this. <br /> On page 61, item 4-a, he questioned the wording of "honorable occupation," and said <br /> that no one was saying that farming was a dishonorable occupation. <br /> On page 62, lower-case item `c' at the top, he said that he would hope that the Board <br /> would adopt this policy before the five years are up. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz made reference to page 16 and the population and said that this <br /> number is wrong. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked if the Board could adopt this plan in principle and ask <br /> Commissioner Jacobs and any others to write out all of the corrections and bring it back on the <br /> consent agenda. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> change the wording of the resolution as discussed and adopt the Orange County Agricultural <br /> Development and Farmland Preservation Plan in principle with a list of revisions submitted by <br /> Commissioner Jacobs and others, and authorize the staff to submit the plan to the North <br /> Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Reconsideration of item 4-0: <br /> Chair Foushee said that staff needs clarification on item 4-o because there are two <br /> properties that are not in the historic district of Hillsborough. The understanding is that those <br /> bids could move forward. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Yuhasz, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to reconsider item 4-0. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />