Orange County NC Website
APPROVED 11/17/2009 <br /> MINUTES <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> REGULAR MEETING <br /> October 20, 2009 <br /> 7:00 p.m. <br /> The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, <br /> October 20, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at the Southern Human Services Center in Chapel Hill, NC. <br /> COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Valerie P. Foushee, and Commissioners <br /> Alice M. Gordon, Pam Hemminger, Mike Nelson, Bernadette Pelissier, and Steve Yuhasz <br /> COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Barry Jacobs <br /> COUNTY ATTORNEYS PRESENT: John Roberts <br /> COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: County Manager Frank Clifton, Assistant County Managers <br /> Willie Best and Gwen Harvey, and Deputy Clerk to the Board David Hunt (All other staff <br /> members will be identified appropriately below) <br /> NOTE: ALL DOCUMENTS REFERRED TO IN THESE MINUTES ARE IN THE PERMANENT <br /> AGENDA FILE IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE. <br /> 1. Additions or Changes to the Agenda <br /> Chair Foushee went through the items at the County Commissioners' places: <br /> - Letter from the Cultural Center Committee <br /> - Revision of item 4-o - Change in BOCC Regular Meeting Schedule for 2009 <br /> (location for joint meeting with Alamance County) (pink sheet) <br /> - A reference sheet for item 10-a (Rogers Road Sewer Planning Group — New <br /> Appointments) based on an email from Carrboro Mayor Chilton (lavender sheet) <br /> - Water level report (aqua sheet) <br /> PUBLIC CHARGE <br /> The Chair dispensed with the reading of the public charge. <br /> 2. Public Comments <br /> a. Matters not on the Printed Agenda <br /> Tinka Jordy spoke on behalf of the Cultural Center Committee. She read a prepared <br /> statement. <br /> "Since 2005, we have worked to implement a vision for the creation of an Orange <br /> County Cultural Center. In April, 2008, we presented you with detailed ideas and <br /> documentation regarding our proposed creation of such a center. Tonight, because of the <br /> eminent vacancy of the Whitted Building, we present to you a document that further details the <br /> potential economic benefit of arts and culture for our county. <br /> There is a wealth of cultural capital in our community. There are more than 1,400 <br /> artists listed in the Orange County Arts Commission's database. We have many nationally <br /> recognized artists including painters, photographers, filmmakers, pots, writers, and more. Our <br /> county is home to individuals and organizations that make valuable efforts to protect and <br /> archive our cultural history for the benefit of all our citizens. <br />