Orange County NC Website
11 <br />ATTACHIvIENT ONE (1) <br />A. Within areas of the County designated as `urbanizing', as <br />delineated on the Growth Management Systems Map, or <br />within Rural Community Activity Nodes, as delineated on <br />the Orange County Land Use Element Map, the following <br />lighting standards shall be observed: <br />1. The maximum light level permitted along common <br />property lines shall be 0.5 foot-candles at anv <br />adjoining residential property line and/or 1.0 foot- <br />candle at anLr adjoining non-residential property line. <br />B. Within areas of the County designated as `rural', as <br />delineated on the Growth Management Systems Map, or <br />within Rural Neighborhood or Rural Industrial Nodes, as <br />delineated on the Orange County Land Use Element Map, <br />the following lighting standards shall be observed: <br />1. The maximum liaht level permitted alona common <br />property lines shall be 0.25 foot-candles at any <br />adjoining residentially zoned property line and/or 0.5 <br />foot-candle at anv adioinina aroDertv line with a non- <br />residential land use. <br />Inl nthnn• n nr,n #hn v ~nl nhnH hn (1 ~. <br />A:~rne$1a--vrr-rc-rnr+~.r~p~.c~€ie~;-zrr~+~a~c~~t-~e~f <br />Fnnt_nnni-lln n# nnv rnc~irJnn#inl nrnr~nrty Jinn nnrl i (1 Fnn#_nnnrlln n# nnv <br />~C. All floodlights shall be installed such that the fixture shall be <br />aimed down at least forty-five (45) degrees from vertical, or <br />the front of the fixture is shielded such that no portion of the <br />light bulb extends .below the bottom edge of an external <br />shield. <br />G.D. Any facilities that require floodlighting may not arrange the <br />light in such a way that it will shine towards roadways, onto <br />adjacent residential property or into the night sky. <br />GE. All flood lamps emitting 1,000 or more lumens shall be <br />aimed at least sixty (60) degrees down from the horizontal, <br />or shielded such that the main beam from the light source is <br />2 The NCDOT's standard 2'-6" curb and gutter, defined as a 6" vertical face curb on page 47.2 of the <br />"Policies and Procedures for Accommodating Utilities on Highway Rights of Way" does not act as a barrier <br />curb at speeds greater than 25 mph. It is considered a mountable curb as defined in AASHTO "A Policy on <br />Geometric Design on Highways and Streets, 2001". Therefore, the mountable curb and gutter section of the <br />"Policies and Procedures for Accommodating Utilities on Highway Rights of Way" shall apply. <br />